I am very lucky to have had the life i have had so far. I have managed to evade scars and hurt for the most part. I did not know how good i had it until i got out into the world. my wife opened my eyes to the flip side of the coin. She has told me that she never knew a stable home life until we met. I try as hard as i can to provide for her and to give her all the support she needs.
The saying is true, what has been seen cannot be unseen. some things should not be seen.
Poor mrs Dog is 30 years old and just watched her first Star Wars movie. Now she knows what i rave about sometimes.
Kraven's saying about tempering steel is very true.
What does not kill you does make you stronger, but at a cost.
well, lunch break is over, had some grilled salmon, southern cooked collard greens, and some yellow rice. mmm. mmm. got some soulful Allman Brothers Band playing.
Ness, how you holding up down there? been a lot of rain on your watershed. rivers getting high in some places