Home of the Old Fart's Club

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Probably the flowers on Keefs shirt. LOL
Where did Keef go????? Or is it Keef???? He could be one of Many....:bolt:
Whew evening all, what started out to be a lite day of winter yard chores turned into almost 10 hours of back breaking work, found a stump...... a small one....or so I thought. So after running a Georgia backhoe (shovel) for 6 hours solid I ended up with a mound of dirt 8 foot high and a hole that deep and twice as big around...but the stump is gone.......damn water oaks. So then had to put all the dirt back in the hole, level the yard and then decided everything just needed to be mowed and raked, bushes trimmed, limbs hauled off and driveway pressure washed....so K is one tired puppy....I usually wont work that hard w/o some kind of payout ;)
Just playing !

Hey I got a kinda plan for that plant making stars !-- It is either environmental or genetic -- If it is environmental then no sense messing with it !-- If it is genetic then we gonna work it !-- If it happens regularly -- I'll take several buds with the star feature -- Get me some jewelers loops I can wear so I can work !-- I need feedback and opinions but this what I want to happen !-- If that GDP -x- Black Rose with the anomaly is a boy ? -- I breed it to my freak GG !-- I dig around in those seed for a boy with the anomaly -- Then when that star baby thing is showing several places I trim everything away except the seed pod to be that star comes out of !-- I bring in pollen from the freak boy and with a fine brush pollinate that one seed pod ( I don't know the real names of some plant parts)--- I get one seed per star !-- I learn from my years in the hospital and the fertility clinic where I made babies for a living that if something is wrong on the outside it is a sure bet there is something wrong on the inside !-- Maybe I find something with the right something wrong on the inside !-- Tween science and voodoo --I'm calling my for my Frankenplants !-- See I have to build it in the spirit world then form a shell for it to enter this world thru !-- Almost done !- A trick pony that does something no other weed does that makes it highly desirable! -- Nothing but net !--

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Kraven U shoulda called me !-- Couple ounces of symtex ( Is that spelled right ? --I know-- U now what it is !-) and a cap -- Boom !-- 2 minutes we coulda been thru with that stump and getting high on the back porch !-
Just so we understand each other ? --- I don't even believe half the sheet I say !
Kraven, that sounds brutal... but you are way ahead of the game..

Keef, starbaby? I love it.. I don't think environment causes starbabies. Jmo...lol

I love this place.
Hey Bozzo, i am smoking a mix of sativas.. about to switch over to something more relaxing after dinner. I am glad you are growing again.
Bozzo U over there taking all them old people's money at golf -- cards or dominoes ?

Kraven Mane I'm depressed now !-- Blowing that stump to hell woulda made my day !-- When the earth shakes and dirt is raining all around U !-- Makes me feel all tingley inside !
Hey Rose just thinking about it !-- U like Star Baby ? -- If it is not environment ?-- Then it showed up in da wrong dam grow room !-- I will do stuff and things to it !--
Whew evening all, what started out to be a lite day of winter yard chores turned into almost 10 hours of back breaking work, found a stump...... a small one....or so I thought. So after running a Georgia backhoe (shovel) for 6 hours solid I ended up with a mound of dirt 8 foot high and a hole that deep and twice as big around...but the stump is gone.......damn water oaks. So then had to put all the dirt back in the hole, level the yard and then decided everything just needed to be mowed and raked, bushes trimmed, limbs hauled off and driveway pressure washed....so K is one tired puppy....I usually wont work that hard w/o some kind of payout ;)

what you smoking?
Wouldn't it be pretty in full bloom with stars on all the pistols ?- I have it twice !-- If it continues to show up I can do something with it !-- If my FFA teachers from the seventies knew what I was up to they would roll over in thier graves !-- They said I was gonna turn out no good when the Po-Po showed up at that Livestock show and caught so very many of our drunk a** es !-- Tried to blame it all on me !-- That big of a throw down required more than just me !-- It was not my idea to wire that truck throttle wide open !-- That's why the po-po came !-- Throttle linkage broke and last time I seen the brother he was fish tailing down a dirt road with that engine screaming !-- Wasn't my fault !-- Good Times !
They said Rebel had to walk 4 miles a day !-- No where in the brochure did it say I had to walk 4 miles !
what you smoking?

Just finished a bowl of GM and now grinding up some HS and gonna cap it with hash.....should put me down for the night.....I'm some kinda sore already....but did hit the CBD cart a few times and now thats easing up some.
Keef had Rebel backing up to stumps. :smoke1: Sick basterd.
I'm going down slow myself !--Hopper how's your hand ?- U know I'm playing Cuz !-- That wasn't your doll !
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