Morning O.F.C. !-- got lost doing the E.I.E.I.O. thing !- Go Kraven !-- I change to bloom nutes at same EC/ PPM and PH ! -- I killed a little AK one time with pH shock !- learned my lesson ! Found me a RO system for $145 !-- Anyone got any experience with RO ?-- I want to know what the ppms in my water are !-- gonna start more T.E. and P.C. seed on the 15 th -- got my vermiculite -- wanted to fill one of my 2" baskets with it and start seed directly in aero !- the vermiculite is too fine and would fall thru basket into res. so that's a no go !-- working on something else !-- my Kuerig coffee comes in little plastic cups that fit perfectly into my aero baskets -- been been busy burning holes in one with a hot paper clip !- with bother ? Because I don't have any room except in aero !- Shout out to Umbra !- hope U fell better -- I wouldn't wish that pain on anyone !
Melting snow on the roof ?-- another reason to use LEDs -- can't have the little island critters using my electric meter for a fan either !-- power company WILL tell on U !
Thanks Yooper and Keef. I'm such a n00b with the DWC, but so far I have been really pleased. Let's hope the most important half of my grow goes as smooth. Been a dirt farmer for decades, so not new to me by any means, I'm just amazed at how close I feel to my plants....I used to just drop em in the dirt and let them do their thing...DWC, I get to give them love twice a day!
Love me some water farming !-- I can pop a clone in it's basket and foam collar out the box and check root development -- U got no idea what's happening in dirt !- but if I was gonna grow in a warehouse I would probably have to grow in dirt maybe some of that Happy Frog or that sea weed stuff ! I got rosemary growing as a companion plant so I won't have to deal with them evil little spider mite Bastids again !-- I have a religious conviction that I brought them in in the dirt I started those T.E. seed!- Won't happen again ! On power usage - I got an all electric home !-- after these next two lights - No more expanding until I cut power usage -- be changing to a gas stove, water heater and clothes dryer !
Morning everyone. Feeling better. Keef I put some weed and coconut oil together and swallowed it. Slept most of the day. Taking it slowly. Speaking of WV, my youngest did a year at WVU. He talks about it all the time. He loved it there.
Keef, find a pair of panty hose RWS was going to throw out, cut a chunk out of 'em, and line the basket with 'em before you put the vermiculate in.
If you don't want to do that, find a disposable cup that'll fit the hole, pop some small holes around the bottom rim, and use it instead of the basket pots.
I'm on it Hippie !-- no reason I can't start seed in aero ! Got to wait till the 15th -- got no room !-- Umbra got my coconut oil and 00 caps in yesterday !-- Love me some good caps !-- had a nap so I'm doing the Wake and Bake all over again !-- 1:10 time for the afternoon burn !
My peeps !-- U know I have plans to expand from one box at a time in my rotation to two boxes or about a square yd -- Took enough clones on the first to have enough ready for bloom on 15 March ! Two boxes of about 20 clones each !-- My goal -- 500 gms. per meter !-- Widow must know she got competion cause them clones popping roots after a week !- moving a T.E. and P.C. to bloom for sexing on the 15th !-- worst case scenario is I get two males and breed them to my Widow -- White Cookies or White Elephant don't matter test comes with the burn ! What's in a name ? Best case I end up with my two widow lines a T.E. and P.C. clone lines !-- Start 3 P.C. and 3 T.E. on the 15 th. as back up !-- Then Jesus O.G. coming to Texas !- it's gonna be hard to beat my quality come the end of prohibition !
U a bad, bad woman Rose !-- I took the name of the variety as an omen - gots to have it ! Might have to tell people it be something else so they won't hang me up on a mesquite tree !-- U know how they do -- No reference to anything just.saying !
Get me a male Old Gangsta and cross it on the Elephant -- makes me high just thinking about it ! Texas congress starts Feb . 15 - there's 4 proposals that could reach a vote that could legalize it in one form or another -- I'm down here yelling WAIT I AIN'T READY YET !-- but I'm close enough ! Do it !! I dare U !
Gonna try this again. First time when I hit the reply button, it flipped to a different thread, with no post.
Good morning giggy and the rest of the OFC. Coffee in hand, bowl in the other hand, i`m joining the wake and bake session. Everyone, have a great day.