Hopper alright ! -- Yo Hopper I thought I was watching "All in the Family" -- but it was just the news !-- I'm not say nothing about nothing !-- "and the truth shall set U free !"--- That's out the bible U know ?
size of pot is dependent upon how big and tall your grow space is.do u think one gallon grow bags from early veg thru flower if i keep em small or should i veg smaller and then flower in the one gallon bags, not using the ebb and floes atm so need to ask noob questions
Good question, I have been vegging in one to three gal then finishing them in five....Feeding worm castings during veg and teas...Worm castings and bat gauno in flower....
This next run..I would like to finish them in three gal....
yes they are so far
Trying a new coco soilless mix top feed, got a flood table and 30 1gal bags so as long as i don't kill them learning should be a good show. I have 11 at 3 weeks anothor 11 at 1 week and some more to germing and a cotton candy clone
Hey,,what up G13? Umbra said we were supposed to get a room. LOL
He just jealous. I told him we could drink wine and smoke weed,,but you can not touch the Weedhoppers butte. :rofl:
Must of been CNN. They think they are in a Leave It To Beaver show. Use to laugh my *** off when June would say to her husband,,, "ward, the Beaver needs a spanking" :rofl:
this x teamster is going out there... i can do it.
Here ya go G13.
Just remember, ,,Umbra is above getting involved it such things. Lol
You better be cheap,,cause its Boones farm wine and bud light. :rofl:
The fracking is courtesy of **** Cheney. He even had the water purity requirements from the EPA suspended as a result of the chemicals used to fracture the rock and release the natural gas. There is clear evidence that the chemicals are poisoning the aquifer and the water supply. But to correct this problem would be bad for business and cut into profits. Much easier to do away with the EPA and let everyone die.Keef, so sorry to hear what has happened down there!
Maybe write some reminder notes and tape them to your faucets. Just in case you get too high and forget.
I'm sure you have already, but don't forget to throw away any ice in your freezer.
Between this and the nasty fracking spill back in July, what a flippin shame!
I HATE that companies are allowed to do fracking. It just doesn't seem right or safe. Whoever authorized fracking in the first place owes a big apology to Mother Nature!
I sure hope this Earth can handle what us humans are throwing at it.
Hope things are not as bad as they seem, Keef.
Communist ? -- As in Russian Communist ?