When I was a pup, they had a guy in the mitten doing ten long for two joints! Now I can burn one in the front yard and wave at the Klingons as they pass by on the highway.
Got lucky, almost. Old Hen walked in the bedroom, grabbed my shorts, pulled 'em clean off of me, tossed 'em in the laundry basket and walked out........
Oh well, I get some clean shorts outta it.
how is everybody this evening? we are doing ok out this way. just got home from the doctors, told me i was a fatass which i already knew, got on to me about my knee, then dropped a bomb and told me i needed to get a colonoscopy. this is not my cup of tea.
Evening OFC...Gig....you will end up getting the colonoscopy in the end (ha-ha). Sorry to hear your knee is troubling you...I'm an ortho nurse so if you ever have questions I would be glad to answer them to the best of my knowledge and if I don't know I won't bullshit you. Cold a here and spitting rain.....just a miserable day to be out in!