Long and short of it, he has changed parties five times in 20 years, he is a good salesman and he watched and found what he needed to sell..... " middle class anger at the establishment, and the loss of middle class jobs to lower cost overseas". He is not in this for anyone else than himself.....no different than any other smuck we elect. He figured out if he said and did very outlandish things he could get all the free coverage and his message out at once. The things he said are not constitutional and he is not gonna do this, he is gonna have a list of things he wants...the republican congress /senate will have theirs...they will negotiate since neither party likes each other and he will be a one term president who is not allowed to damage the "establishment". He is an unsavory cat for sure and by selling his message he also brought out the hatred and fears in people, dividing the nation. There is no difference in the Dems or republicans policies, they only differ on social policy....and that very rarely ever gets acted on when there are far more important issue's like how do I make the most money and still look like I care. I am sad we didn't have a better list of choices..... men / women / of color / gay / straight...but no we got the salesman and the crook, how can anyone truly be happy with what we just got served.....what you saw was not a vote for trump...what happened was the people figured out quickly he was the best Molotov cocktail they could lob at the establishment. 20 years of declining jobs and wages, bad domestic and foreign policy, tired of burying their kids that keep getting sent to war......no this was a social message to the elites that what comes next is lead poisoning if things don't improve for the middle class.