Potato Soup for supper !-- What cha think ? -- potatos --carrots --onion-- cream --cheese !-- If it's wrong I don't want to be right !--
When I moved to California 2 years ago, I bought a lb of chem 91 and 1/4 lb of black hash for head stash. I still have about a zip of chem 91 and 1/2 zip of hash. I think I did pretty good.Hey Umbra we gotta get off this hash smoking kick !-- How about 1st. thing tommorrow ?
Keef love your hash pic.
Umbra 5 harvest in a year you are a busy man.
Night All
I don't want to give any stealth shipping info away, but once I got a child's drawing addressed to Uncle Umbra with macaroni art glued to a piece of construction paper and the seeds were in the macaroni.