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Bud that's the deal !-- Weather changes hurt !-- I came around a corner to fast in the operating room and hit a wet spot !-- The fall shattered to left side of my face !-- They peeled my face off and put 3 metal plates and a fist full of screws in to fix ole Humpty -Dumpy !-- Later they found the 3 bulged disc in my neck !-- When I get stressed out and/ or do too much the nerve rooted gets inflamed and my left arm begins to retract across my chest and doesn't work right !-- I get by !--
Mad Scientist work today ? -- Nope not today we in the watch and wait mode !-- This last batch are dying at about the right rate and speed !-- I'm where I want to be with my juice now it's is just a matter of time !
I used to make babies for a living back when they started doing test tube babies !-- Been there and watched sperm fertilize and extracted egg !-- Put it back in then a year later momma brought the baby to see us !-- The smart brothers talk alot about genetics and stuff that was over my head !-- I learned enough science to do this !-- Then I got to give a shout out to the lab twins !-- I had a lot of slow nights so I used to go chase them around the hospital lab !-- They taught how to prepare slides and lots of the test the performed !-- So I got the science and I got practical experience !-- I also know enough about weed to pull it off !--Just pull up a chair and wait !-- I know 2-3 more ways this can be done !--No need getting in a hurry !--It will happen or not !-- All I can do is my best !-- If I was a betting man? --I wouldn't bet against me on this one !
I have a good feeling Keef you were going to catch The one you have been chasing before the new year i'm still having a hard time finding that weedkiller of course Alberta has to have a Weed killer band just because some retard had to overdo it on his dandelions
I have a good feeling Keef you were going to catch The one you have been chasing before the new year i'm still having a hard time finding that weedkiller of course Alberta has to have a Weed killer band just because some retard had to overdo it on his dandelions
yeah that's what they said about agent orange, ddt, and round up....oh that's right, there all the same exact chemical formulation.
It tricky and harder to work with and for your on sake be careful if U mess with it but I can walk U thru using a drug called Colchicine !-- I can't get it without extracting it from Autumn Lotus roots !-- I look up this other one I can't spell right now cause I'm high !-- To start simply Google ---Inducing polyploidy in cannabis !--- There also a chance it can be done with nitrous oxide but that would require more stuff than I can do right now !--- I figure I can't afford to buy clones like NCH and the $35,000 Lemon Trees !-- So I gotta make my own !-- Either way the locals ain't even ready for what I could loose on them right now !--
Keef I did a bunch a reading on that Colchicine that's some crazy stuff I Tell yeah definitely don't want to get it on you that's the stuff people used to use Wayback in the day for labour pains isn't it if so it definitely explains where those Giants came from isn't it
Umbra did U say Orange ? -- I've only used a couple cc so far but I can handle the heat !-- The Christians already think I'm da devil !-- Ya'll do need to stop those mega cartel grows they do destroy the environment! --I'm not gonna do that !
How appropriate! --
Music !-- They just started playing the Rolling Stones doing "Sympathy for the Devil " --

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Bud -- U sound like Billy !--
It does that to U when U start digging around about that stuff !
Lol keef that Billy guy is a trippy dude I can't wait to meet him in person I want his pink kush so bad I can taste it I hope by summer I will have a cut
Umbra, your seizure comments made me cry. That is how we treated people in the 50 and 60s There was no education, we were not that far from epileptics being locked in the attic.

I saw my first grand mal seizure at 15 when a girl had one in the hallway of high school. I was scared. I knew nothing about them. Then I had a child with "the worst seizure disorder" that the head neuro at Children's in seattle had ever seen. That started my education fast.
I am so sorry you went thru that and still have those horrible memories. I just want to tell ya i love ya and please don't ever quit being Umbra. You are a hero of mine.
Hello ofc, taking a break from the bike. Its going to be a good running bike in a few days.he keeps saying he will pay me, and I would let him but I will not be naming a price. For one, he is a friend if mine and I value his friendship. He also took a trip to the sandbox in 2001. I just like working on stuff and I needed a new project. Plus I have drank more of his beer than I care to remember.
U a good man Dog !-
Umbra -- Sorry U were mistreated like that !-- On the other hand it made your mind work different than most !--That makes me a little jealous !-- I feel like I see shadows and U have clear vision if that makes any sense !-- It does to me !--
Hey wanna get high ? --- I doing my nap Wake and Bake !-- I got work to do !-- I gonna build this most magnificent buzz !--
Umbra, my dad got into the rental game about ten years ago. He regrets it greatly. With the downturn in home sales he is stuck with the ones he has. It is nothing but an aggravation, with little reward. Well, I almost ready to run the bike. Have to go to the vet. My fat calico has been throwing up for a few days. Poor girl didnt even want my cereal milk last night. Thats how you know she is sick.
Umbra, your seizure comments made me cry. That is how we treated people in the 50 and 60s There was no education, we were not that far from epileptics being locked in the attic.

I saw my first grand mal seizure at 15 when a girl had one in the hallway of high school. I was scared. I knew nothing about them. Then I had a child with "the worst seizure disorder" that the head neuro at Children's in seattle had ever seen. That started my education fast.
I am so sorry you went thru that and still have those horrible memories. I just want to tell ya i love ya and please don't ever quit being Umbra. You are a hero of mine.
Rose, thank you so much. I don't talk about those kinds of incidents much, but they never go away.
Dog, I know people who make money at the rental game. Here I think it is more a communication thing that makes me upset. Minor issue with the plumber was not my fault or the plumbing, someone dumped a bunch of dirty water in the sink and the dirt was enough to clog the drain. I did not pay for the plumber, the person who dumped the dirty water paid for it. I make money renting out my house. Expenses give me tax deductions I never had before. A big enough loss and I can carry it forward...that's what Trump did.
It rained yesterday and it is cloudy today, so temps have dropped. 70's for the next couple of days.
High to mid 70s at night !-- Umbra I been studying that video but U probably knew that !-- In a way I been lucky having the time to learn to grow cannabis in aero ---I'm lucky that D.D. makes good money and life could be a hellova lot worse !--- I still got a ways to go but by the time prohibition ends I'll be primed and ready while others are still trying to learn to grow around here and fight bugs !-- I'm pretty sure if the plants have the right temps-- right nutes -- the right genetics and the right kind of light and the right amount of that light !-- I can kick it !--
I bought rentals back in the 70's. Made some money and had headaches. But if I had put the money I put into them into the stock market, the ex wife would be rich. And I would not of worked my *** off. over and over on the same homes. Could not give me one now.one renter from hell and your all done.
What up Bozzo ? ---
I been torn about where and how I want to grow as we get closer to the end of prohibition! -- I have the option of using that Texas veterans land program and get 10 acres or more -- I did some checking and a house on 10 acres about an hour or so north $80,000 is common !-- The problem be we live at the beach and D.D. wants to stay at the beach !-- I can't grow weed up there without a caretaker! -- My other option is to maybe buy the empty lot next door and put a high ceiling "Shop" on it for the grow !-- but if I bought the farm I could probably swing something like that ag. Power rate Umbra was talking about !-- Decisions- Decisions !--No hurry I got time to learn the craft !
Bozzo you are right about the rental game. 1 bad tenant makes you never want to do it again. I have been lucky no doubt about it. I hope it continues. In California many people rent for 10+ years in the same house. When I was a kid we rented a house for 10 years. The landlord came every month to pick up the rent driving a different car every month. I thought he was in the used car business. Nope! When the owner died and his estate was being settled, we found out the landlord did not own the property. The owner never knew there were tenants renting the property. The rent never increased in 10 years, and he never did any repairs.
So I went to the doctor to get scripts refilled and there is a new spirva product called stiolto. Different delivery system. No capsule to inhale. Doctor gave me 3 months supply to try. It saved me a good $900.
After I watched that video of monster aero harvest a few times I figure out how to put mesh support for the plants in my boxes !-- A square PVC frame anchored at the 4 corner grow spots ! --Lift the lid and the support goes up too !-- Solve these problems one at a time !--
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