we are going to the 50's today, i know my plants will like it warmer too.you got that right . Good morning . just saw weather .......heat wave coming.
keef the sns214 i think i got that right is rosemary oil and water. i went to wally world and got the scented oil but mine has mint in it too. stuff worked great. i used 1/4 teaspoon to a 32oz spray bottle.Morning O.F.C. !-- Ugh!-- stuff hurts !-- I hate it when life teaches me lesson !-- Life just blind sided me with those spider mites and I coulda lost my whole grow ! Lesson Learned !-- Banged the plants up some but I kilt the mites -- bugs breath thru their skin and a film of soapy water will suffacate them- I didn't mess around with trying to stay some soapy water or chemicals on the exposed surfaces -- The Widow went scuba diving in soapy water !-- What is the next lesson is life is gonna teach me about growing ? I dealt with white slime and it won't happen again !-- Won't be no more bugs ! I'm about to double down !
That brickweed I planted out back I planted in early December is thriving -- it hit 37 last night !-- They have shown no sign of going into bloom !-- Does this mean I could put me a killer sativa out there as early as December for a fall harvest ! That thing would be big as a tree !
Can I clone a sprig of rosemary from the grocery store ? I'll let U know the answer to that question ! Thinking about putting a rosemary clone in each box !