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I be better now !--- but I can get better !-- I'm working my pipe and I waiting on a dose of caps ---had to decarb some first !- !-- I need it !-- Sent everything I had ready with D.D. !-- She lost 2 uncles to the same thing !-- Couldn't do anything about it then !-- This time we can and will fight back !--
Rose this has taught me the error of my ways !-- The Dank is great but U need some high CBD too !-- I'm on it !--- Just so U know ---I got no problem going to jail for doing the right thing !--This is the right thing to do !--
Well, it's bedtime on the east coast. Wife an I went out to a clay pit I enjoy and watched the sunset. The sky is like a canvas, yet ever changing. Never a boring moment.
Good Morning OFC. Wake and Bake time.

Keef, I'm wishing DD cousin gets to feeling better. Can, tell DD, I said Hello. Keef take it easy, it good you got new tires.

Well, I found more w***. Yes, I had some trim in the freezer. I make hash with some before, but the THC was to week. Took the weed out and drying it up. All ready smoke some and it hit the spot. I'm all set for a while.
Morning O.F.C. !-- I don't do social media except the O.F.C. !-- There's people out there that don't like me much !--- I had a Facebook page for about a week !--Shut that thing down quickly !-- Scares me !
Only half the lights in veg came on this morning !-- 2nd time in about a week !-- I switched out power cords !--That can't be happening very often !-- I got 6 LEDs coming thru one timer !-- Got 6 pumps going thru another !--Got the cords confused last week and had half my pumps running constantly with the fan !--So many cords !--The Widow didn't like it !-- Gonna have a box of GG#4 this cycle !--
I'm gonna need a microscope soon !-- I have some plants that will need the cell structure examined !-- I think I'm where I need to be !
Babysitting my grandson this morning. Kinda wish the parents would have waited until I got my bake on before they left. This little dude is cool but he's a handful!
Nick, give the little guy a hug..

Ness, awesome find in the freezer, congratulations.. i love it when ya fine pot.

Got up at 5 and sprayed the girls, did half last night and about died so finished it this morning. First time spraying spinosad.. fingers crossed. I told mr rb that spray is only as good as the sprayer... underside of leaves...holy crap, there is a lot of leaves outdoors.

Good night now.

keef, sounds like you are all set.
Nap Wake and Bake !
It is hell hot again today !-- I'm trying to find my happy place and get my neck muscles to relax !-- I'm a raggedy man today but better than yesterday !--

We working on it Rose !-- Stay out the heat when U can !--
Got a message from D.D. this morning !--She has spotty phone coverage !-- She exhausted !-- Cuz can't take the caps so I had to remind her how we use to cook the weed in coconut oil --strain-- then use the oil !-- There's always another way !--
Time for an afternoon buzz !
I'm so glad I brought up my children to be good adults and parents. This little dude is cool. And even knows how to say please and thank you.
Nick,,,Pawpaw and Mimi have pretty much raised our Granddaughter. She is turning 6 this month. We have loved every minute of it. She is the love of Pawpaws life. Hell i was woke up at 3.30 this morning with her throwing up. Me thinks she ate something that did not agree with her. LOL
She thinks Pawpaw is her Doctor. No matter how sick or how many ppl are around,,,she runs to Pawpaw. I know,,now im just bragging. Yehaaaaaaaaaa
U did good Nick !-- Did U start some of those seed before U left ?

Yo Cane !-- Don't make me come up there !-- U better check in !--

Kraven -- I need technical medical advise !-- If we have to give RSO thru a feeding tube --Should it be in the form of a tincture or in an oil base !-- I think U try to give undiluted RSO thru a feeding tube it will just stick to the sides of the tube !-- I could put it in an olive oil base ? -or leave some alcohol ? ---Anyone else got any in put ?--jump in !--
Pay attention to this because U may end up in the same situation !-- There is no " institutions " with the answers !-- Hammered home how much I need a high CBD variety !-- and that extractor !--
Afternoon OFC. Yup, it is hot as S*** out there. Walk to the mail box and when I got back into the house, I was sweating real bad. Time to Wake and Bake for me. Everyone try to have a cool day.
Nick, give the little guy a hug..

Ness, awesome find in the freezer, congratulations.. i love it when ya fine pot.

Got up at 5 and sprayed the girls, did half last night and about died so finished it this morning. First time spraying spinosad.. fingers crossed. I told mr rb that spray is only as good as the sprayer... underside of leaves...holy crap, there is a lot of leaves outdoors.

Good night now.

keef, sounds like you are all set.

I like to have feinted when I saw you were spraying Spinosad.....it will kill the thrips fosure. Sure is stinky huh :) I hope that was the root of your cloning problems <---- see what I did with "root".....it should get them in 1-2 apps fosure. Green mojo on organic pesticides :)
Kraven --Heads up on the Weather !-- They calling it "Invest 99-L"-- I ain't liking what I see !-- Anything makes it into the Gulf got my attention !-- Still not sure where it'll go but it would sucks to live in South Florida next week !-- Could go up the east coast or into the Gulf! -- I'm not preparing but I'm watching !-- New Orleans takes a hit it'll be bad even if it is just a big rain event !
I got a couple questions !-- Can U cook alcohol off RSO in a food dehydrator ? ( outside of course ) -- 2nd question is a little more explosive ---Wanna find out ? -- I do !--
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