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Keef and OFC have a High Day. Going to get some chores done then I will be free for the day. :cool:
Them cigarettes don't help any either Nick !-- I switched my cigs for an e-cig 5-6 years ago after 30 something years !-- It wasn't easy and took me about a year to get totally of cigarettes but I'm happy with them now !-- Don't think I could go back !--My lungs are still good but they even better since I switched to an e-cig !-- Now I done found out U can run CO2 hash oil thru an e-cig and I like it !-- Nick the stuff is about 70 % THC and will rock your world and most people make it out of trim !--- I got to have me one of those CO2 machines !-- They can't stop everyone with an e-cig and test it !

ah, youngsters, in my day we didn't have e-cigs, or i-anything
we called it COLD TURKEY and we loved it (see Dana Carvey angry old man)
One time I tried to quit, I decided I'd only smoke hash
well, after awhile I was rolling "joints" with lots o' tobacco and a crumb or two of hash
space cadet sopappy
we didn't have decent pot in those days,
without hot knives, I'd have NEVER weaned off that insidious tobacco

and I've had to live LIKE A CRIMINAL all my life because of a survivalist ****** civil servant named Anslinger (******* slinger) who wanted to protect his god damn pension.

thanks for listening :)
What up Pappy !-- I did cold turkey getting off morphine !-- That was bad !-- I'm not ready to give up my nicotine ! -- I remember my first tour in the army we still used the "C" Rations and each meal came with a 5 pack of cigarettes and a pack of matches !-- Everyone smoked !-- I use to pay $3 a cartoon for cigs at the commissary !--Now I think they like $5 a pack ! ---Ain't as easy to quit as it was to start !--
Harry J. Anslinger --- Pappy I think I might have to name one of my Frankenplants that in his honor !--Bastid !-- I think it would be fitting that when people hear that name the would associate it with killer weed instead of that *** hole !--It is only fitting !
What up Pappy !-- I did cold turkey getting off morphine !-- That was bad !-- I'm not ready to give up my nicotine ! -- I remember my first tour in the army we still used the "C" Rations and each meal came with a 5 pack of cigarettes and a pack of matches !-- Everyone smoked !-- I use to pay $3 a cartoon for cigs at the commissary !--Now I think they like $5 a pack ! ---Ain't as easy to quit as it was to start !--
Harry J. Anslinger --- Pappy I think I might have to name one of my Frankenplants that in his honor !--Bastid !-- I think it would be fitting that when people hear that name the would associate it with killer weed instead of that *** hole !--It is only fitting !

Hey keeper of the keef,
I can see how you succumbed to the killer weed but how did you manage to avoid the cheap beer !?!!

Nah, don't name a plant after that weasel, the sooner the scum is forgotten, the better.
Never did like beer Pappy !-- I drank for effect !-- I was a whiskey shooter !-- Got a couple of bags of those Crown Royal bags left to remind me !-- My Wife D.D. still drinks some !-- She my official taste tester !-- Got 3 gallons of blackberry wine I done froze down to less than half gallon !-- Just because I don't drink anymore don't mean I can't make a liquor !-- Blackberry Brandy !-- Gonna be nice sipping liquor! -- D.D. partial to the coconut !-- I smoked my first joint at the Military Police school !-- Then they sent me to Korea for a proper drug education! -
Never did like beer Pappy !-- I drank for effect !-- I was a whiskey shooter !-- Got a couple of bags of those Crown Royal bags left to remind me !-- My Wife D.D. still drinks some !-- She my official taste tester !-- Got 3 gallons of blackberry wine I done froze down to less than half gallon !-- Just because I don't drink anymore don't mean I can't make a liquor !-- Blackberry Brandy !-- Gonna be nice sipping liquor! -- D.D. partial to the coconut !-- I smoked my first joint at the Military Police school !-- Then they sent me to Korea for a proper drug education! -

Cops have the best dope hahaha, great christening!
I could never soldier but I respect them, and dad was military, I'm no stranger to discipline hahaha
(interestingly enough, he tolerated my hash use in his basement FORTY FIVE YEARS AGO !!!)
I was checking the weather and I see mother nature be washing out the swamp over between Red Stick and The Big Easy !-- I been a little distracted all day with some pressure and pain in my face !-- I could be a weather man !-- My face tell me everytime rain's coming !-
It's morning and I am feeling a little under the weather. Let's smoke a bowl and ponder the day to come. My goal is to rebuild the flower room and. Make room for some monsters..

Let's prep for the day :48:
Freaking stupid *** Morons in Milwaukee burning and looting thier own stores and town.Idiots.
Im sick of these Black lives matter asshats. Freaking thugs and thieves acting like they give a **** were they can steal a TV. Makes me sick.
That's better !-- Moonshine and Weed !-- Nick my interest in making liquor started when I realized that I was gonna be making RSO probably regularly !-- When U grow the weed the high test alcohol is what cost U !-- Figured there maybe a shortage of Everclear when people catch on to the benefits of eating weed !--Decided to learn to make my own !-- Got a good start too !--
D.D. just walked in !-- Let me get her comfortable so she can sleep !-- One more to go !-- Be glad when she don't have to do this anymore !
Hopper I saw what happened after Katrina !-- The strong taking what they want from the weak !--They took a generator and extra gas from a little old couple because they wanted it !--- Every evening in the aftermath I would step out into the back yard and bust a couple caps into the ground just to let people know I was home and armed !-- U can take anything U want ---but U better not take it from me !
Yep,,they are idiots. They always destroy their own ppls **** and steel everything in site,,and then blame the cops. I hate cops,,,but this is not about cops,,they are thugs and thieves looking for weakness to take advantage of.
Dat's da world we live in Hopper !--
Checked off on Blackberry Brandy !-- Made it out of fermented blackberry pie filling !--- Got another carboy of it to finish and I got Strawberry Jam fermenting !--- This is different from distilling !--- but I'm gonna need to distill sooner rather than later !-- Straight up sugar shine !
Got a good Sunday morning buzz working at the beach --Hope everyone is painless !
Hey Keef apologies for being so hard on Louisiana. I'm just really really aggravated with the whole situation there. They can't get any descent legislation off of the ground. There are enough die hard conservatives to embolden the congress to resist the will of the people and keep lining their pockets. They had a really good bill a few months ago that couldn't even get enough support to be heard. That really stuck in my craw. I've been waiting for one of these states in my neck of the woods and I had some hope for Louisiana. Now all my hope is on Arkansas. If they don't pass that act then they will get the stink eye directed their way.

I have genetics that probably came over to that lush country many moons ago & as they say, "the mud is in my blood." Good & bad everywhere-- just gotta look for that good. Jambalaya, crawfish pie, file gumbo.... and those Almond Joy Daiquiris are the best ever!
D.D. says her Cuz will be home in about 2 weeks so I guess I better get on the ball and hustle up that trim for 60 grams in 60 days !-- Umbra where did U say U got that alcohol ? ---
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