2 am and I'm hurting so I got up ! --- I need to distract myself so while I'm seeing if the pipe will help I thought I would give U a lesson on the history of the world according to Keef !
Let there be light and all that !
About 65 million years ago a big a** space rock hit the earth down by the Yucatan that may or may not have killed the dinosaurs !-- It was 6 miles across and knocked chunks of earth into space some probably big as mountains !--- On and in those rocks and stuff was all the bacteria and algea and stuff that lives everywhere on earth !---Some of it probably still speeding thru space --some may have landed on a planet suitable for life and there could be life from Earth growing there now !-- If it happened here then it is a safe bet life didn't start here !
Fast forward to 60 thousand years ago !-- We had been the same for 250,000 years then we suddenly were painting pictures on cave walls and burying our dead with flowers and tools ! -- It was like we had the hardware and suddenly got the software !--
They say when we learned to make fire we were able to spend less time chewing and the protein spurred the growth of our big brain !!-- Seems to me that we would have lived near water because we had to and in that water is fish that are easy to catch and eat !-- I'm pretty sure that given a choice between stabbing a mammoth with a sharp stick and going fishing my people went fishing !
We have a history in our genes that can tell when a new mutation first entered the population! -- Like it or not there was a true life Eve !-- Genetically she the mother of us all !--- Her children were better at surviving than thier contemporaries who died out leaving us !
Another mutation that made us what we are is lactose tolerance !-- Most animals lose the ability to digest lactose around the time they are weaned !-- One of our ancestors had a mutation that allowed her to process lactose for her whole lifetime !-- Her descendants got this mutation from mom and were able to digest lactose and society would never be without milk and cheese ?
We spread all over the world even to the Americas !---
About 12,000 years ago at the end of the last ice age a space rock or something hit the mile deep ice covering Canada !--- The impact wiped out the people of North America !--The impact caused the run off from the glaciers to go out into the north Atlantic stopping the Gulf stream wrecking the climate !--The Sahara dried up !
All the early tribes claimed thier gods came from the sky !--
Perhaps we were engineered to mine gold for the gods like the Sumerians say !
The watchers went down and bred with women of the earth and had children !
In those days there were giants in the earth !---
We've learned that multiple sets of DNA in an organism allows it to repair the damage of radiation in space !-- Sounds to me as if a tetraploid human had a child with a regular diploid woman !-- A sterile triploid ? -- Extra larger-- living extra long -- meets the myths !-- The gods of the Sumerians --the first civilization --The Ananaki-- said these things were true !--
We just people who have forgotten our past !-- Perhaps we were engineered to need to worship a god ? --Would explain a lot !
Time for me to take some caps --I can't concentrate !
So a little excerpt from the book of Keef !