$35,000 for a clone from that variety Umbra told us he and NCH ran across at that Hempcon called Lemon Tree !-- I got work to do !
Congrats on the girl Nes !--- To keep from have to go thru planting seed and hoping for a girl we take cutting from the girl and root them out !-- The easiest and cheapest way to do this ? -- A bucket of water --Some Styrofoam and an aquarium air pump and bubbler stone !--- Make a small hole in the Styrofoam and stick a small cutting thru the hole so the stem sticks into down into the water --About 8 to 10 days later U should start to see new roots forming !-- U can then transplant your clones into dirt and know they all girls !
Thank You, Keef. I'm not set up for clones, as, of yet. Don't think that will happen for about 6 month. Going to write that down in my notes. She is a pretty little thing. Hay, Does seeing the white hairs mean that I have to through it into bloom?