Good Morning Rose. I just had to get rid of a male. Rose do you do all of your growing out side or do you grow in the house to?
She had family members come see her and she threw them out. She was screaming that she was having a nervous breakdown. That's about the time the sheriff showed up. They kicked in her door and dragged her out in handcuffs and put her in psych eval for 72 hours. I don't know if she was going to hurt herself or not, but she definitely wanted everyone to know she was hurting. Lots of drama. I'm guessing the move is on hold... for a couple of days at least. It did bring back some unpleasant memories from my past. Some memories never go away.Oh no umbra, that has to be effecting you at some level Bi-polar is what my young neighbor is and almost suicided 4 times. So scary. Did she die?
Speaking of neighbors, we are getting new ones with 3 dogs and two little girls.. pta mom... the curtains will be going up shortly, they may smell it but they don't need to see it.
Hey Nes !--Won't nobody talk to U about lights ?--- I don't know much but U got a few to choose from !-- U should maybe go to that thread in indoor growing about lights !-- Nes some people have strong beliefs in one kind of light or other !---I don't but right now I'm using "Mars Hydro 300 Reflector Series"--- U got CFLs Compact Florescent Lights "-- Florescent tubes like in "T-5"s --Then U got MH --Metal Hilide (?)-- What else ?-- Have U considered a grow tent ?
Nes let me take a shot at helping U with grow room set up !-- First- unless U have 2 grow areas or a reliable source to get clones U have to start from seed each cycle !--- The way it works for me is I can keep a clone in veg while another is in bloom !--That way as soon as U harvest U can have something else ready to move into bloom!--- Those grow tents are good to separate grow areas !-- Some things to consider are Heat !--Heat is your enemy !-- how many lights U plan to put in there ?-- more lights --more heat --Air exchange is another worry !--Got to have fans !--- the more plants and light the more air exchange U need ! ----U need to move the heat and used air out and fresh cool air in !---Anyone can clone in an aerocloner like thoe octacloners if U can keep the water temp below 80 degrees !--Start small and build your grow room as it develops !
Let me get back to helping Nes figure out what to do with a 10 x 5 foot grow space --air conditioner on the end or middle ? --- door in the middle or end ?-- These things can matter in how U set up !--- Remember we in the dirty south--U burn too much power with for no obvious reason the power company might call the po-po on U !--- So U may have to keep that in mind !-- Get JT to insulate that room to save on AC cost !-- I use the LEDs for that reason !--- power use = heat !--more heat more power to cool the place !--I hear the T-5s are good !-- Bugs love some heat so if U can keep a grow in the lower 70's it will help ! --