Home of the Old Fart's Club

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Just finished some house work, now smoking some cheesy jones.....I know right! it has given me the giggles :p

Isn't it amazing that a plant can bring one so much silly happiness! Makes you just want to go out & be violent!
End of the month I treat another batch of seed !--- This time I change nothing except double the amount of seed ! --- Just so we all clear ----Monsanto didn't do this !---I did !
DD I hope that you are feeling better...keep an eye on Keef....he pretty high:)
See ya all later I high & tired :48:
That may be Cane !-- I'm Celebrating !-- Lots could still go wrong but ---No !--I can't unknow what I know now ! --I got this ! ---
One day they'll say he was working with friggin pickle jars during prohibition ! -- In the belly of the beast !--- Making Monsters !--- I am one cocky Old Fart !
Good Morning OFC. It been a week since I have had a decent sleep. Up real early today. Yep, it time to Wake and Bake.
Morning dala, nes. Supposed to rain some more today. Hi had several hours of thunderheads rolling through last evening. I love dynamic weather. Unless it's too sketchy.
Morning yd, we are suppose to get rain to, 60%. Overcast right now. Yes, I to like the thunder storms. When, I was a youngter, my gramma use to take us on the back porch looking over the marshes to see all of the lighting and hear the thunder it was awesome!!! Let's light up :joint4: to thunder storms.
Morning to all my friends. Smoke your Dank and send all leftovers to Weedhopper @ DankWeed Texas,,BR549,,,Yehaaaaaaaaa
What up Hopper ? --- Looks like I got a pack of Dawgs !-- I'm not sure yet if they be Dope Dawgs or Dawgs of War-- -- but looks like they can hunt !--- Woof !--Woof !--
Do you really listen to this kind of music or is this a joke?
Both, yes I have his 1st cd and it is a joke. Mostly I listen to folk, blues, and jazz. We used to go to a lot of festivals. Pete Seeger's was a regular festival that we went to. The Philadelphia Folk Festival was another we went to regularly. More than the style of music, I like live performances. I grew up with quite a few talented musicians and a large percentage of my friends are musicians.
Good Morning OFC..
Morning O.F.C..lite rain here this a.m....just watered the little one,they be looking happy to be in their 1 gal pots..
I'm Puffing on some Papaya..:48:
Good morning peeps,

I had a very interesting evening.. The grow shop i frequent is owned by a woman that had a few pot peddlers into her home for a get together, these were people she trusted, or they wouldn't be in her home, so i went. There was a woman there from Lush LED, but didn't talk led's, she talked edibles. The speaker was from Bellingham, Cane.. Anyway she had every machine known to man.

this is what they made last night.. Loaded ice cream, tootsie rolls, rosen, dabs, carmels. She had a box of prerolls,, over 100 joints in that box.. She had a distiller keef, to reclaim the everclear from the rso. She had two machines that did the oil all the way to oil...no cooking off.. She did quick rinse, 3 minute wash to make rso.. fascinating.. everyone had brought their edibles that they make. Met some cool people and one woman I didn't care for.. OH, and get this the woman tests each batch of oil she makes. She must have a lot of money.. anyway, she had about a dozen small jars of her oil they all tested very high.. BUT, hardly anyone there cared about strain.. All they knew were the%'s of thc /cbd...
Ok, off to whine at the trainer. My knee is killing.
What up Cane ?

Hey Umbra how is that CWO doing ? --- It ain't easy !--but I can make these tetraploids ! -- I don't need Billy Budd's "Pink Kush" anymore!----It's a matter of being told I can't have it now !-- Wanna bet ? -- BPU-X-B.B. is next !--- If the world likes Blue Dream let's hook them up with a Blueberry Tetra !-- I wish I had more room to run bigger lots now !-- I had a revelation last night concerning making tetraploids versus breeding tetras !--- Help me understand -- It would be a different plant if I treated T.E. seed and made a tetraploid versus The plant that would be if I turned the parents of T.E. ( 88'g13 hp-x- Snow Lotus ) into tetras and bred a tetraploid T.E. !---
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