I use the large "OO" gel caps !-- D.D. orders just everything off Amazon so that probably where she gets them !-- I have got them at a vitamin store locally !-- We buy a bag of like a thousand at at time !-- I decarb in a pickle jar to prevent the smell from escaping !-- Put dry trim in a jar --Set the oven for about 240 degrees !-- I place the jar in the oven while it heats up !-- mason jars work great ! ---Anyway let it come up to temp and bake for a half hour !-- Let the jar cool to room temp before opening !-- I then sift the weed thru a wire basket to make it easy to pack into caps !--- I use a whittled down chop stick to pack the weed into the caps !-- Good trim decarbed weed --Start with 2 !-- Take caps as soon as U get up and have coffee or whatever !--- I don't like to eat breakfast and weed need oil to carry it into the blood stream so I just chase my caps with a spoon of coconut oil !-- About an hour later U will begin to feel them !-- I take another dose mid afternoon !-- If I can't sleep I take another dose !--