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Ganja, that is too cold. How in the world do you finish and od grow up there?

Mr rb said he would split the cost with me.:confused2::heart::shocked::giggle: I was hoping for a 80/20- split. lol
No,,in Texas,,****** Religious Freaks like Cruz,,, are going to lock us out.

You a funny man WH! Believe me, somebody will want my weed, even with all those crazies out there! And, I'm not partial to any state, although I do love my Louisiana!
Evening Hopper !-- How U holding up Cuz ? --

Tell D.D. I don't want to have to run them border patrol checkpoints with a load of weed !--- Can I just let UPS move a bottle of oil to a friendlier state for me ? --
Good Evening OFC. Had a busy day Now it time for a bowl and I'm drinking water tonight. I sure hope they hurry up and legalize this wonderful plant. Just think of all the job that it would create. They is just so many thing MJ can be use for.
Ok , stoned to the point I just feel heavy, sleep is calling g'nite all. peace
Good morning ofc, I slept in.. wow.
Having my first cup of coffee

Keef, hope your better now.

Cane, i love chickens. so cute at babies..

Joe, nice to see you here.
Off to a doc today...

Good morning oldfogey, I see you down there.
keef - is this a triploid? it is a clone from my buckeye purple. looking a wee bit peaked due to it not liking the cold basement but it is perking up...

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good morning rose. actually for me it is good evening. i worked last night for a 12 hour shift then drove 2 and half hours to get home, dropped my car off to get the brakes done and walked my dog 3 miles home from my mechanic. i should probably spark one up...

Oldfogey, you must be sleep typing.. You need a nap stat. Have a wonderful sleep my friend.
or anyone else. is that a triploid and if so, is it like manna from heaven?
Good Morning OFC. Welcome oldfogery8. I grow up in Mass. on the east coast. It time for 1st bowl of the day and I got my coffee who could for a better morning. It beautiful out sun is shining and it is about 55 degree right now. My babies are sprouting and I am please.
Good Morning OFC. My town has regulations on the number of chickens I can have. 6 hens and NO roosters. 1 of my neighbors has roosters...hence the no rooster rules. We have a feed store that sells baby animals. I have 3 dogs, thats plenty for me. Honestly, if I had chickens, the dogs would constantly be trying to eat them. Stoned already.
It is hard to say if it is a trifoliate or a triploid. A triploid has 3 sets of 10 chromosomes, and a trifoliate is 3 leaf sets at a single node. 1 of the expressions of a triploid is 3 sets of leaves, but just because there are 3 sets of leaves it doesn't make it a triploid.
I don't know about manna from heaven, lol. But if it is a triploid, it's sterile.
Oldfogey --That is a trifoliate !-- They are usually male so if it's a girl-- I would hang on to it !--- If nothing else it would have one third more bud sites !-- How can that be a bad thing !--- A triploid doesn't happen naturally in weed !--
A triploid is made when a tetraploid is bred to a normal plant !--- A normal pot plant and most other plants are diploid --That mean thier DNA is in 2 strands twisted around each other --- When it reproduces it unzips and when breeding one half of that DNA joins with half from the other parent to make a new seed !-- This process I'm using causes the DNA to double inside the cell giving it double set of DNA !--When it unzips to reproduce it will have 2 strands of DNA and it will combine with have the one strand donated by the normal plant !--This is a triploid !---Nothing in nature can fertilize it so no seed ! (?) They call triploid seed "Terminator Seed" because U have to buy new seed for each crop ! --
the plant the clone i question came from was norml(sic). so it is probably not going to have different chromosomes, right? it was just going to be a guerilla grow plant anyway since summer is coming(if the dern spring snowstorms ever stop) and an idnoor grow in the summer is a bad thing for me...
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