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YD you are on the same aquifer i am, your water is good and in the 250 ppm range, it is full of calcium, so you will NEVER have to add cal/mag...maybe just mag during weeks 3-5 of the plants life, well after week three up until 2 weeks into flower. If you by an r/o system 2/3 of your water goes to waste and then you have to buy all the micro/ macro elements to put right back into your water. Waste of a bunch of money...keef on the other hand is so close to the beach that his water has way to much NaCl and plants cant grow in it so he has to use distilled or a good r/o system. Don't waste your money, and if you really wanna know how to water farm, I'll teach you. Keef has a very customized set-up an unless your going to copy his methods, i have a few idea's for you. Hydro is not hard and it follows a general set of rules, but each set-up has it's special needs and methods. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD don't do a DWC, it will all be good till week three in flower and then your gonna have problems and it will have to be checked 2 times daily, and a real struggle. Ask me i have ran it...once. This is what you can do with a RDWC. Here a few pic's using 5 buckets a res and 2 inch cups. If you only have one bucket there is no room for the soup, the pH goes wild and your plants will die if your not right on top of them doing rez changes every few days and top offs a few times a day.
Morning O.F.C. --Dog listen to Kraven !--- Everything down here makes growing weed hard !--- I do what I can !-- Besides salt water my ****** water is loaded with clorine !-- Like Kraven said the smaller your res. the faster things can go bad !-- I had to learn on my own !--- Still Learning !--I run at least 10 gallons of nute water per box ! -- Stuff happens down here - I don't want all my plants sharing a common res !--Instead of killing a box of plants -I could wipe out a whole grow at once !--In defense of RO water --It's easy to install the filters last a long time and it makes a nice pitcher of ice tea ! -- When I was growing up U could drink tap water --not here !
My only solstice is that when prohibition ends and people try to grow weed down here they gonna face the same problems I've had to solve !---
YD you are on the same aquifer i am, your water is good and in the 250 ppm range, it is full of calcium, so you will NEVER have to add cal/mag...maybe just mag during weeks 3-5 of the plants life, well after week three up until 2 weeks into flower. If you by an r/o system 2/3 of your water goes to waste and then you have to buy all the micro/ macro elements to put right back into your water. Waste of a bunch of money...keef on the other hand is so close to the beach that his water has way to much NaCl and plants cant grow in it so he has to use distilled or a good r/o system. Don't waste your money, and if you really wanna know how to water farm, I'll teach you. Keef has a very customized set-up an unless your going to copy his methods, i have a few idea's for you. Hydro is not hard and it follows a general set of rules, but each set-up has it's special needs and methods. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD don't do a DWC, it will all be good till week three in flower and then your gonna have problems and it will have to be checked 2 times daily, and a real struggle. Ask me i have ran it...once. This is what you can do with a RDWC. Here a few pic's using 5 buckets a res and 2 inch cups. If you only have one bucket there is no room for the soup, the pH goes wild and your plants will die if your not right on top of them doing rez changes every few days and top offs a few times a day.

Beautiful plant. Kraven do you top all the tops of the branches? Is that why you got so many branches? And the roots are so beautiful to. It was nice to see a picture of the root system. Now I know how the root grows. What ya smoking? I'm smoking Aurora Indica. Time for Wake and Bake.
Checked out the seeds I planted yesterday and I have 2 Hippie's Dawg and a Black Berry up out of the dirt.

Rose love your poodle. Dogs are so funny. It is neat when they howl. I know nobody is getting into my house. What are you up to today Rose?
Hi nes, that's not pictures of what I do, I got them off a site to give YD some visuals as an example. As a rule I recommend letting the plant get to 7 nodes high then top it down to five nodes high, take the top and stick it for a clone. Then take the bottom two nodes off and then go up each main branch if necessary and take off the bottom three nodes, anything that does not look like it will make it to the top.. By this time the plant should be nearly 3 weeks old if not a little more so it's ready to be flipped into flower, so you do your pruning and they go into flower the same day. Ten days of flowering and i do a final clean-up, anything that does not look like its going to make it to the top of the canopy will be cut off, from there if your growing the same strain you should have a pretty even canopy. Get your light down on them. I run a 600w HPS for flower and it usually is about 16" above the plants. If light cant penetrate all the way to the bottom of your plant you will end up with lots of small popcorn buds, so at ten days i stake the plant open and then just feed and water till its done. I hope that was helpful for you. Today I'm smoking some Kali Mist.
Thank You Kraven that information is very help. Time for more coffee and a toke.
I'm smoking sugar leaves and eating brick weed caps Nes ! -- Getting by best I can !-- We solving all the problem of water pharming this morning !-- I got to run out and get some Dixie cups and get these treated seed in some dirt !--- Waiting a few more days to make sure this GG#4 doesn't hermie before I put her back in veg !--
Kraven -- How does that hydro system work ? --It looks complicated !--- My pumps spray water straight up thru the spray head then falls back down for another trip !--
Keef. I have a question. Or anyone else that can help. Lol. My trifoliate that's growing. Since I mixed all my plants up when they were seedlings I don't know if it's an auto flower or photo plant. Soo. I want to try taking some clippings and growing the clippings out. My questions are. 1. If I grow clipping will the clipping be Trifoliate? And 2. How do I cut the clipping to regrow and what do I need? Remember i don't have a lot to work with and no shops around here. But i want to try this I was thinking since I have a small single plant BubbleTronics hydro going. Would that work letting the clipping in with it? Water has nutrients in it. Or do I need.a separate setup completely. Any natural ways to do this without buying stuff? Or what can I get that is cheap to try this. I just can't spend much right now. We just went from moving June1st into our RV I'm restoring to now we have to move into it Friday or we may lose it all Sucks but biggest issue is no money and my RV is making a engine noise after 15min And the place we are goin is 20min away. Lol. So trying to get everything packed and moved and the RV fixed enough to make it there atleast. Ugh. Sorry. A bit of venting I guess. Let me know what your opinions are to make some cuttings and hopefully more Triofoliate plants I just really love this plant and want more of them
Thanks kraven. I figured to run a single bucket as a start. But I see what you mean about rez size. I still want to try dwc, but with a rez outside the grow cabinet. That will help keep the water cooler, and give me a good rez size. I want to go hydro. I am ordering the stuff I need today. Still need to settle on a nutrient line.
Morning Bozzo !--How's those babies doing ?--
I got my treated seed in the dirt !---About 50 !--- I just need THE ONE !--- I'm fishing !--- Most of these will be incompatible with life !--That means most gonna die !--I still got the 4 freaks from before but I'm not sure of anything except they freaks of some kind !--- I'm feeling good about this batch ! --Give it 2 weeks and do it again !-- If I could get a nice breeding pair I wouldn't have to handle the Zombie Juice as much !--- I still gotta breed a tetra male to some normal plants and Juice them up to 6n ! ---So I can breed tetra instead of having to make them !
Good morning all you growers, sounds like a lot is going on in here. Kraven thank you for telling nes, i learned too. You are like my husband I think, which is a good thing. You both are meticulous and do things perfectly.. I fly by the seat of my pants a lot. I will be darned if those aphids are not back this morning... I can handle an root aphid I have DE to cut those little turds...did i say turd? i haven't said that in about 5 decades...sheesh.

Need to tell you guys I heart each one of you.
Evets --Good luck I hope U get where U want to be !--- My trifoliate "Trips" went back to making 2 leaves at a time after I topped him !-- He's what got me interested and looking around and I discovered tetraploids-- one thing led to another !---- So now I'm making one that makes 4 leaves at a time !-- I grew up a country boy and I never got a degree but I got a little college science !--Plus 20 years as a surgical assistant --I understand how to handle dangerous stuff !--- I'm gonna build us a Frankenplant!
What up Rose ?---We growing weed today !--- I with U let's just jump in and figure it out as we go !-- Will this or that work ? --Let's try it and see !--- I can make a mess without even trying ! ---
Morning O.F.C. Been transplanting some clones ran out of soil ...Can You take clones from clones??? Will they Produce?? I need a smoke:48:
Evets there are lots of ways to clone ( root a cutting)--- Some do it in dirt --Giggy uses a bubble cloner which is just a piece of Styrofoam of some sort with a cutting stuck thru it floating in a bucket of water with an aquarium air pump and bubble stone !-- I'm an aerocloner !--It's what I do !--- I find a girl --I keep it !--Looks like I got a Gorilla Glue #4 lady about to join the harem !-- Widow--Tranquil Elephantizer --Bubblicious--BPU -x- B.B. ( a nice Blueberry from Umbra ) -- Looking for a nice Strawberry ! --I got crosses and stuff too !-- Got to keep them labeled or I get confused !
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