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Rose it's no problem !-- When the plants are bigger if U want some seed I make U some !--- I keep Trips my B.B. male around with no problem !--As long as I keep him in veg !--- He get starts crowd the girl I just take a cut and when it is rooted I can throw out the big piece !
These Tetras are some F'ed up plants !--One from the first treated seed grew 2 sets of deformed leaves and the 3rd set of leaves has no grow point in the middle !--
Did you feel relaxed WH?

Nah,,,but i only did a little over about the size of a grain and a half of rice. I have a very high tolerance Rose. Plus i Didnt want to use much of her oil. My Wife tried it too with no problems so i know its safe for my Mommy. Yehaaaaaaaaa
Thanks again. She is excited about starting the oil after i assured her she wouldn't get high or freak out. Lol
Did U get a toke Kraven ?
Giggy glad U checked in --I was worried about U!
When Cane be back ?
Hopper --It makes me angry that U can't legally get the meds your mother needs !--- This ignorant a** law got to change !---This is not right !
Yes it is rediculous Keef that my sick Mother cant do what she wants to help her feel better because of some ******* laws. Its pathetic.
I know what U mean about having a high tolerance too Hopper !-- Most would say I smoke too much !-- Without my medicine --- I am a very different person !--- He ain't nice at all !-- I have to keep him caged !
Yea Keef I slowly smoked a bowl of Kali Mist, then just ate a brownie, it is by far better pain meds than the narc's. Doc writes me a scrip for 40...????? *** do i need 40 for, I took one they slipped me at the hospital before leaving to come home and one the night of the surgery when I just couldn't take the pain anymore.....why on earth would they give me so much poison, our legal drug pushers are getting outta hand. I still have 38 left, just in case my pain jumps to a ten and stays there for 9 days......I'll have plenty of meds.
Kraven U can't tell me anything about narcs !--- I went thru them all !---After most of a decade they had me on 90 mg. of time released morphine twice a day !--- There is no way to make some understand the horrors of cold turkey withdrawals !--- I can't ever let that happen again !-- I was down to 100 pounds soaking wet !--It was slowly killing me !-- It was a fight for my life !---
Been going throw a lot of test at the hospital. Cat Scans of head, lungs, and a Stress test for my heart. Dr will call if he fines anything. The Cat Scan came back O:K. Waiting for the report on lung and heart. This started because I get real dizzy when I lay down and sit up. Last about 50 sec. Hoping the Dr will not call me after he see the reports. I'm wishing for the best.
nes i hope all test come back good.
Wish I could help Hopper but we in the same boat !---I must confess I may be a little over the legal plant limit but I'm working !--- No telling what kind of meds I'll find in tetraploid weed !--- No one really knows !---
Why I do these things ? ---D.D. showed me a no bark dog collar and I asked her if they made it in her size !--One push of a button and I drop her in her tracks !
Pleas Jesus don't let me wake up one morning with a shock collar on !---I promise I be good !-- Now I got a new nightmare !
Damnt Keef, ,,time to get the Tetras going. Yehaaaaaaaaa
Hopper there's close to a dozen in there with their heads sticking out the dirt showing all the right signs !--I looking for something for people who have a high tolerance !---- There will be one that has a mutation that produces THC over all the other cannabinoids ---So the total cannabinoids will all be THC !---No CBDs -- No THCa ---No CBDa--Only THC !---I gonna rock your world one day Hopper !---If I don't get what I want this time I got enough seed to do this another dozen times !---I don't think I'll need that many !
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