Can't fine my papers. It must be 4:20 some were. Rose I got one plant that might make it through harvest just wishing it is female. The other two are not growing just sitting there I'm heart broken.
Kraven, please follow the post op directions... I learned as a main caregiver i didn't know squat when it was me... so behave yourself honey. Glad this is over.
Good morning OFC, as I understand it, you get oil from butane or CO2. Shatter is from vacuum purging the oil. It is necessary with butane to remove the residual butane. Wax is taking the shatter and whipping it. The idea was to get all the trapped butane out, with CO2 this is completely unnecessary.I'm confused !--I have seen videos of butane extraction and they said there will be residual butane and U could let it sit a couple weeks so all the butane can evaporate naturally and U are left with shatter -- They said U could whip it under a vacuum to remove the butane and U were left with wax !---So CO2 extraction ? - Do I get oil , wax or shatter !---I needs to know these things !