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I need some advice !---Tonight we supposed to have 2 inch hail and 60 mph winds !---How U prepare for something like that ?-- Be putting the car in the garage for sure !----This gonna be bad !---- If I'm going out I'm going with an epic buzz !--Working on it already !---
Love it when them things come by, I'm out moving things in the garage so I can get both cars in. Good morning OFC.. outdoor growers are waking up lol
Morning O.F.C. ...been getting thunderstorms here. ..winter ...:confused2: Puffing on some Jilly Bean this morning :48:
Morning Cane --I this storm gonna be real bad !--- I'm gonna be alright we don't flood !-- Hopper probably gonna get hammered !--Then Dog--Nes --Giggy and Kraven !---Hunker down this evening guys !
Rose but butter ?-- I mean I been drinking milk since I was born !--- Are U in a cult ?

lOl Keef, yes I am in a cult, if you knew what was in dairy you wouldn't probably drink it either. I use grass fed butter...in my coffee.. I love dairy, but i don't like the results. The china study, i think is what tells us the truth about dairy. Don't read it. have never had a milk shake since. lol I just feel better if i don't do wheat or dairy. CULT... I grew up with milk cows.. love um. You make me laugh Keef.
Just checking in. Been very busy with no end in sight. Kraven, I like the plan your hippie taught you about new info.
Green Santa made a pit stop yesterday. Much thanks!!! That pineapple express really caught my eye. Too bad I have a full veg, patience is not my strong point. See you guys later. Supposed to hit 77 today. I feel like sunning myself on a rock like a snake.

Pineapple Express is awesome smoke. And that **** is a tough plant. It can handle allot. I grew in outside in my Veggy garden in between rows. Tied it down an let it run like a snake about 10" off the ground. My dog chewed the crap out of it and it just got bushier. Lol
Morning all, went into the Dept. of Revenue and laid out my issues.....they felt it would be better to get through what I had going on and then check back with them, so I wrote them a letter of resignation based on my health issues.....It was made effective today, they took my badge, removed all my access to Revenue stuff and had two capitol police walk me out to the car......I lit my joint on the way out of the parking lot.....money is not an issue, and to be honest....I want to focus on this and get it dealt with so that I can get back to being cool. So I'm retired again........
Hey Rose !---Hopper better hang on he fixing to get hammered by this storm !

Give up dairy ? --Nope not doing it !-- I even eat me a potted meat sandwich or some Vienna Sausage sometimes!--- Not often !---The Wic program provide milk for poor mothers and babies !--I think that might be a better alternative to starving !--- Sometimes I hear peeps who think that people should only eat organic !!---I've seen the high price of organic compared tp regular food !---There's lots of places like inner cities where fresh fruit in any form is unavailable !----I vote we feed the masses --Then we can discuss viable dietary alternatives !--- Glad U can supply your dietary choices ! -- What about Cheese Wiz and Velveeta Cheese ? ---Do they count ! I can't give up cheese !--That is just wrong !
Kraven,Good move... your health should come first,You surely don't need the added stress of work going through this..All our best My friend....
Welcome back home Kraven !---Sometimes we don't get a choice !---Sounds kinda rude of your employer! --
Yes Keef we are getting hammered. I covered my raised beds to keep my Veggies from getting flooded.
Kraven you do whats best for you Bro. Hope you get this handled and back to your cool self. Yehaaaaaaaaa
My Mom is at the Docs Office as We Speak. Hope the news doesnt get worse then it already is. And much thanks to all my friends for thier help and support. My Mom is gonna get some great RSO Oil because of a great lady named AWESOME,,, YEHAAAAAAAAA
She is a Grand Lady Hopper but U shouldn't have used her name !---Start with a very small dose and build up her tolerance !--It can be hard to judge a proper dose !-- Great News about the meds !--I saw the moment the trigger was pulled !--- Proud of that lady !----Might be against the law but it was the right thing to do !---I gotta find a way to contribute to her cause !---I wish I coulda helped !---I need a high CBD variety !--
Good Morning OFC. Kraven...I feel for you Bro. Hopper, you are in good hands and there is hope. YD, you have time to pop those beans...they aren't going anywhere.
Garage is cleaned and prepped. Clones are in there along with a few moms that just have gotten too big. I trimmed them back 6 times. I took more clones of the moms and will use them instead of these old giant plants. Sprayed the plants and I'm getting ready to transplant into 5 gal bags.
Is it cbd from europe since we can't grow Hemp here? although Washington is allowing it now. I worry about that cbd they sell in head shops.. I worry it isn't organic and I also think you need a bit of thc to be synergistically effective.

Rose who?
I just won an online scrabble game using the word HEMP!
Did not know that Umbra !-- Might be I should look into that !--- Some times what Umbra say got layers !--
Them girls get too big and knarly--U got a rooted clone she need to got to bloom !
Kraven, i am torn, i know you do what you need to do.. I was wondering if the job would keep you too busy to worry. I sure am glad I am not trying to work, so I understand.
I am always on your side kid.

Planted peas and onions yesterday.!! Apricot tree in full bloom.
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