Morning, Old Farts! Wild weather yesterday! More rain than I've seen since spring, and winds that had trees down and power out all over hell's creation. Peeled the roofing right off the south side of my main chicken coup; rolled it up like a doobie!
Headed off to the big box store and ran across my first out of order stop light. I'm on a two lane highway trying to cross a five lane, and the five lane boys aren't wanting to play by the rules. Waited for my turn and TOOK it. I've been married almost 40 years. Whacha gonna do to me?
Hit the big box that was running on a generator, got my goodies, figured I didn't want a repeat of what I'd just been through, so I took a two mile detour, I thought. The road I was going to use was blocked by the fire department trucks because of a downed wire, so alternate route number 2 kicked in, a four mile detour.
Got up to the watering hole, drank my share, and headed home the stealth way. Sorry, Charlie! Stealth way blocked by a huge tree across the road with a cop parked on the other side. Saw where I could get around it on the shoulder, headed for it, and the cop jacked his cruiser in front of me! Didn't figure arguing with a cop with beer on my breath was a good idea, so an alternate route was in order (again). Thank Buddha, that one let me make it home.
On a growing note, I know guerilla growers that only grow with fem seeds. I know a couple of respected breeders that won't have anything to do with them. Neither one of them grow autos. Guess I'm old school. I just grow with regular seeds.