Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Evening OFC I got way to high at work today. I think I was higher than I have ever been. Found My limit. Had 3 bud caps at 6 am and 3 more at 10.30 walked out of work Higher than I was that AM. Giggy I was so high I drove right past Post Office. Will go to my little Office tomorrow.
The Riding mower is functional again! I got the mowing all done and the place looks passable again. I'm all about natural and organic and everything but I broke down and started spraying the riverbank with roundup. I just can't keep up with the weeds. My heart is so bad that it wears me out to cut it with a weed wacker and its too steep to mow.
after the weeds are gone I'll plant grass and next year I'll pay someone to take care of it for me. With money the next time.
Yep Nick safer that way !-- but when U weed rich and cash poor it makes it hard to keep your secret !
The scooter is still not starting reliably yet !-- Gets frustrating !-- I got a fuel problem !-- Been thinking about just ordering another one of those $35 carbs for it Nick told me about !-- I think it is possessed ! -- Starts some time then just dies !-- Getting spark -- Timing is good - just not getting enough gas all the time !
It's a work in progress !-- I'm not gonna shoot it !-- yet !
Got some cloning done and watched the news! -- I been wondering what them 20 million people in range of those North Korean guns been thinking about the news ? -- Personally I think it is just a dangerous smoke screen to divert attention !-- Is that political ? -- I mean it as just a comment on the news ! -- If nuclear war is political ? -- I'm missing something ? -- We could just go beat up Venezuela instead ? -- That would be just as good a distraction and we could just put the nukes away ?

O.K. who wants to get high ?
Yup Keef, if you wanting to be paranoid this crap wiyh North Korea is worth losing sleep over. A hothead and a spoilt brat, both of 'em wanting to prove something
Nick I wasn't trying to start anything with anybody !-- There's no doubt in anyone's mind what I think about the man but yeah 2 bullies and neither want to back down bout sums it up and the fate of the world is in the ballance !-- I been trying to remember what set this off this time ?-- They know better than to attack us or our allies and Junior's main concern is staying in power and an attack would be suicide ! -- Unless U back him in a corner and he sees no other way out without loosing power ! -- South Korea and maybe Japan would suffer the worst in such a conflict !-- I'm still trying to figure out why Trump threatened Venezuela? -- Korea has taken the spot light off his investigation -- What's Venezuela got to do with anything ?
What got me worried is they had a fire at the substation that powers most of New Orleans pumps !-- Been storming and they can't get rid of the water fast enough !-- The Big Easy going slowly underwater like a slow motion Katrina !-- The swamp gives and the swamp takes away !
I know U guys think I'm obsessed with the news and maybe I am !-- There was this one time when the last thing we heard was that New Orleans had dodged the hurricane bullet again with Katrina !-- So we were waiting for things to clear up so we could get back to normal !-- Two weeks later when I hooked up that old antenna and sat stunned as we saw those grainy pics of the super dome -- I don't ever want to experience stuff like that again !
Good morning ofc.

Our low this morning is 80. This is not a low people. We have wind this morning which is helping the smoke move but i think it is a dusty icky wind. I would drive an hour to stand in the rain.

Pretty hard not to worry about this world and the orange lumps addition to it. N korea called him a lump and I like it.

My plants are out there blowing, that is good, they need to toughen up a bit before the fall winds. Happy Saturday everyone.
Keef, hope the scoooter starts, Umbra, hope your foot is better, Woody, don't go to work stoned. lol...I am glad you didn't lose a finger or two. WH, how is the little darling doing?
Rose,,i thought THG said no politics unless it has to do with weed. The Lump is fking Politics. Sick of this ****. Nothing coming out of those assholes in North Korea should any American think is okay. This **** is getting ridiculous. Im guessing the Moderators are not on the same page. There was a time when all the Moderators stuck to the rules. Bout sick of this Orange Lump crap and shots being taken at MY PRESIDENT on a forum that says no Politics,,for a fking reason.
Morning O.F.C. !-- Let's do this day !-- Get up and get out into the heat if that's your thing !-- Not me !-- Excessive heat warning again today !

What up Rose ? -- Hurricane hit Mexico and we didn't get a drop of rain !-- 80 at night is about right for us this time of year !-- We on a water restriction again !

Hopper how goes it besides being mad !-- Stress is bad !-- When U gonna get back to growing ?
Hop a long umbra is having a good morning. Less swelling, still lots of pain. I did manage to move my big toe. Gardening is a bit difficult. I understand why they uses casts, so dumb dogs don't jump up and down on your foot.
Giggy -- Cuz I finally got a clone from the fem White Widow seed U set me !-- The side by side started yesterday !-- WW 1 is my old Widow and the one I got from U is marked #2 !-- That plant has worked me !
I need to grow me out some Master Kush cuts !-- I took one clone yesterday when I realized I only had the one plant !-- I run that Nightshade If U ever need it in your project U know where it be ! -- I need some more cuts from her too !
I do beg your pardon, i say something once a month WH. I don't think it is politics if it is a nuclear war. I will hush just for you.
Big rally in Virginia today bring your own torch !-- No sheet required !
Morning Folks. Found unwanted guest in the tent. 1 plant removed treated the others. No sign of mite on them. I will treat the other plant and leave outdoor to finish. Got the Oiil changed in my truck already. Now it time to tackle hanging the filter.
I do beg your pardon, i say something once a month WH. I don't think it is politics if it is a nuclear war. I will hush just for you.

Not for me Rose,,,but to follow the forum rules.
I was told,,,,NO POLITICAL TALK PERIOD,,,unless it is pertaining to legalizing Weed. ive been coming to this forum for almost 10 yrs,,to relieve stress from the day and be with my friends,,and talk about our Passion,,,WEED.
We never was allowed to talk POLITICS OR RELIGION, and we didnt have these problems on the Passion. I know how you and Keef feel about my President,,,,and you know how i feel. I try to never say anything to you guys unless im provoked. Why would you want to continue to make me feel like that. You guys are my friends,,,why cant we let the Passion be a place we can all come to without feeling like our views are being attacked. If we just keep the forum the way it has always been by following the rules that made MP the special place it has been for so long,,,this other crap wont be a problem.
Good Day people. Off and on raining here. When its not raining its 80 and 80% humidity. Not sure which is worse.
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