Home-made Smoking Devices

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Green Revolution Pioneer
Jul 28, 2006
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Ever have one of those days? You can't find your pipe or bong, you just spent all your $$$ on some sweeeeeet green and don't have enough to buy some papers...What do you do?

There are more ways to rig up a smoking device than you would think, so post your method here and help out others!

Here's my quick, easy can bong.


Large tin can (I found Beef Stew Cans work well...)
Tin Foil
Very sharp knife (If you can get your hands on ANY piece of Cutco, you're lucky...)

Sabby's Soup Can Bong


1) Remove lid from can, drain the contents.

2) Halfway up the side of the can, make a hole with the knife. This is your mouthpiece. On the opposite side of the can and slightly higher up, make another hole to use as a carb.

I haven't tried it yet (I will next time!) But I'm sure you can put a good mouthpiece on it. Roll up a business card and stick it through the mouthpiece hole, leaving most of the rolled-up card on the outside. Secure it with tape, and viola!

3) Put Tin Foil over the top of the can, where you removed the lid. If it seems a little loose (I.E., air leaking in/out) use a rubber band around it or tape it down.

4) Poke holes in a one-square-inch area of the foil using either the main tip of the knife or a needle. This is where you'll place your pot to blaze up.


You can also put water in the can to cool the smoke. That would work better with a long mouthpiece, to ensure that the smoke hits the water prior to your lungs.

Alrighty, there's mine...How do YOU do it?


Sabby said:
Ever have one of those days? You can't find your pipe or bong, you just spent all your $$$ on some sweeeeeet green and don't have enough to buy some papers...What do you do?

There are more ways to rig up a smoking device than you would think, so post your method here and help out others!

Here's my quick, easy can bong.


Large tin can (I found Beef Stew Cans work well...)
Tin Foil
Very sharp knife (If you can get your hands on ANY piece of Cutco, you're lucky...)

Sabby's Soup Can Bong


1) Remove lid from can, drain the contents.

2) Halfway up the side of the can, make a hole with the knife. This is your mouthpiece. On the opposite side of the can and slightly higher up, make another hole to use as a carb.

I haven't tried it yet (I will next time!) But I'm sure you can put a good mouthpiece on it. Roll up a business card and stick it through the mouthpiece hole, leaving most of the rolled-up card on the outside. Secure it with tape, and viola!

3) Put Tin Foil over the top of the can, where you removed the lid. If it seems a little loose (I.E., air leaking in/out) use a rubber band around it or tape it down.

4) Poke holes in a one-square-inch area of the foil using either the main tip of the knife or a needle. This is where you'll place your pot to blaze up.


You can also put water in the can to cool the smoke. That would work better with a long mouthpiece, to ensure that the smoke hits the water prior to your lungs.

Alrighty, there's mine...How do YOU do it?

no offense but that looks extremely retarded. only twice have i made a smoking device out of household items. the first one was with a 32 oz. pepsi bottle. i made a bong out of it with a straw and used an aluminum foil bowl. the second one was with a pringles can and i made a steam roller, using the same aluminum foil bowl for both pieces. then i realised that smoking out of metal/aluminum anything is fucking retarded. so i stopped. smoking out of aluminum is bad for you, you shouldnt do it. stick to glass pipes/bongs/bubblers/chillums..etc...
That is not the best idea in the world man. Take a pic of the bong, but not your face man. This is defenetly not a forum you want your identity revealed on.
Hey I know you!!...hahaha "no offense" but posting a pic of yourself on here is retarded.
Yeah you might want to remove the pictures..

But If i dont have my pipe I just use a soda can. Im pretty sure everyone knows how to make a pipe out of a can.
To each his own. You might think it's retarded, but maybe someone else will get use out of it. :)
I've always just made a pipe out of foil. It's harsh, but it's quick n easy.
Theres my home made stuff, as posted in the "Show Us Your Piece" thread


I've always wondered exactly how to use an apple, exactly...Thanks for the visual, dopedoc! Out of curiosity, how far down do you remove the core, or do you take it out entirely?

Another one I'm curious about is the honey bear bongs...(On a side note, did anyone else get to play that old flash game "Who Wants To Smoke My Honey Bear"?)
I've always wondered exactly how to use an apple, exactly...Thanks for the visual, dopedoc! Out of curiosity, how far down do you remove the core, or do you take it out entirely?

Another one I'm curious about is the honey bear bongs...(On a side note, did anyone else get to play that old flash game "Who Wants To Smoke My Honey Bear"?)
just cut like 3/4 out, and be careful not to poke through the bottom
i dont really care, that was 2 yrs ago. i had different color hair, im wearing a beanie, and i dont really givea **** lol.
but i'll take it off. plus talking about weed isn't illegal, cant smoke online lol
chill out peeps.
Hahahaha, I tried to make a bong one time but totally biffed it up. I gave up then and figured I'd leave it to the professionals.
here is a bong me and my friend made a few days ago. Its ugly but it works and hits pretty good. All you need is a chip can, a pen, gum, tape, and foil.



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