Hillary Clinton Responds to Legalizing Marijuana

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Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2009
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Mariposa County CA
Hillary was on Good Morning America the other day and I thought I would share this bit on cannabis.

Hillary dances around the original question like politicians do. ~ Burnin1

She is a lier and a crook. She is full of it.
She wants to know what the interaction of marijuana with other medications is before she votes... someone knock me out please
So,,she is a lier,crook,and an idiot.
seriously the gateway effect theory has more chance, except if she means by other drugs alcohol, or maybe she really means the financial interaction that marijuana has with drug companies...
Evil Hillary ? --Sometimes when U vote U not voting for someone but against someone !--- One nation under Donald or The United Church Of Ted ? --- I know who I'm voting against !--Just saying !--
My boy Trump gonna kick that :smoke1: yehaaaaaaaaaaa
Hopper he done pissed off 75% of women -- Just about all minorities -- and his own party don't want him !-- Wait let me do the math ! -- I don't even care but I can't see it happening !
I have no idea,,,but im having fun. :rofl:
Oh ,,,,,,and all the Women i know are voting for him,,they dont like that asshat on fox or Rosie O'Donnell eather.lol
As for Ilegals, ,,i have been in business for over 20yrs,,and i am sick of having my throat cut by the Ilegals throwing a ladder in the back of their truck and calling themselves contractors. And im sick of seeing their fat asses loading up on food stamps they damn sure dont need. The ERs or swamped by ilegals to a point its hard to see a damn doctor if your having a freaking Heart attack without coming in by ambulance. Dont get me started on Ilegals.
And im no Bigot,,,my wife us Mexican AMERICAN . My formen of 17 yrs is Mexican American.
Hillary is a lying, grimy, dirty piece of elitist crap. All I heard was blah blah blah I'm getting paid more by groups who want it illegal. Let us hope she magically has a heart attack or something and Bernie gets the nomination.
By the way,,where are all these women that he has done wrong in his life. Why are they not lining up at CNN to talk **** about him. Every women that has worked for him or knows him for who he is,,,IS VOTING FOR HIM. where are all the Blacks he has done wrong to make him be called a Bigot? The ones making the biggest scene are the freaking Illegals,,who cares.

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