heres my second grow first sucked

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I use the poly on the floor because I am a pig. I spill allot, another reason to grow less, turn smaller, so I am not trying to go into a dense forest :) to do things
i had poly before the mylar it just seemed it wasnt bright anuff yeah mylar does get messed up really quick next time im using latex gloves
well its been 5 days sinsce my last pics.. so i thought i would show you there progress. let me know wut u think.....

Picture 023.jpg

Picture 027.jpg

Picture 028.jpg

Picture 029.jpg
Wow that bud's really starting to take shape, it looks like it's going to be a fatty :D, you're plants are looking reaaal green keep it up man.
actually i measured her up today 12 inches long and almost 2 inches round. its a 8th of an inch away from 2
14 days left then chop chop. my next girls im letting veg abit longer before i put them into flower. this time want bigger plants the little 2 and a half foot ones just dont get you a big yield.

Picture 007-1.jpg

Picture 008.jpg

Picture 014.jpg

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