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Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2022
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I’m at where I’m at and I’ll be where I be
Hello all. New to the site and just looking for some feedback. This is my first ever grow hydroponically and was just wondering how I’m doing and how the plants look. My main concern is the fact that I’m 4 weeks and 2 days in and I have no actual buds. Flipped to 12/12 on 11/16. Also the yellowing of the lower leaves and the brown spots developing on the upper leaves. There are trichomes everywhere on the leaves surrounding the pistils though. I’m growing using the dwc method in a 5 gallon bucket and I switch it out weekly. Right now I’m using fox farm tiger bloom and ph levels are adequate. Using a 1000w full spectrum led light. What am I doing wrong? Please help! No idea on strain as I got some seeds from a friend he found in some smoke.

Also, it kinds of brings a second question to mind. Do you start counting when you flip 12/12 or when you see the first pistils emerge? If it’s the latter then it’s only been flowering for a little over 2 weeks.


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Those look like buds to me.

I count from the day I flip to 12/12 but I don’t harvest based on breeders estimates of flowering time(though this doesn’t apply to bag seed). At 4 weeks into flower, you have at least 4 weeks left to go(likely more). Harvest based on trichome appearance.
Those look like buds to me.

I count from the day I flip to 12/12 but I don’t harvest based on breeders estimates of flowering time(though this doesn’t apply to bag seed). At 4 weeks into flower, you have at least 4 weeks left to go(likely more). Harvest based on trichome appearance.
The only reason I said they don’t resemble buds is because of the gap between each new shoot (or whatever it’s called). Everyone else I see who’s in the same time frame as me has much bigger ones and the gaps are filled in and they actually look like buds and all I see are pistils and there’s literally no smell. If I run the stem between my fingers I can faintly smell it but other that that nothing. Sorry to be a total noob here ☹️
Patience !!! - - You have buds all over your plants. The smell will come eventually. It will. Some strains take longer than others. Yellowing of the lower leaves will happen (generally closer to the end of bud cycle) so it does seem a little early for you. Get some Cal/Mag going as recommended on the bottle. The spots on the upper leaves would be a bit more of a concern. We need some better pictures of that. Nice, really. Very good for your first grow. Don't expect to set the world on fire just yet. There is a learning curve to this. Hang in there and absorb as much as possible. In your spare time search as many questions you can think of and as many threads as possible here. Try and do some of the research yourself and you will be taken much more seriously when a problem comes up. If I said all that right..
Oh Ya... Welcome to the Passion..

Now, show us what them spots look like on you upper leaves. Good picts too.
Patience !!! - - You have buds all over your plants. The smell will come eventually. It will. Some strains take longer than others. Yellowing of the lower leaves will happen (generally closer to the end of bud cycle) so it does seem a little early for you. Get some Cal/Mag going as recommended on the bottle. The spots on the upper leaves would be a bit more of a concern. We need some better pictures of that. Nice, really. Very good for your first grow. Don't expect to set the world on fire just yet. There is a learning curve to this. Hang in there and absorb as much as possible. In your spare time search as many questions you can think of and as many threads as possible here. Try and do some of the research yourself and you will be taken much more seriously when a problem comes up. If I said all that right..
Oh Ya... Welcome to the Passion..

Now, show us what them spots look like on you upper leaves. Good picts too.
Thanks man! I will take some pics of the brown spots when I get home and post them. I actually have cal mag…it came with the fox farm kit. I’ll add some of that too when I get home. I had read that you’re only supposed to add that during veg and was planning on starting that with my next grow. I’ll give it a shot though.
I been searching here. Google weed leaf chart in your google images and that will help with the lower leaves. There are several here but I am having trouble finding the one I want. Your upper spotted leaves might be a bigger concern. Please get some picts up when you can.. We were all total newbies once.
Patience !!! - - You have buds all over your plants. The smell will come eventually. It will. Some strains take longer than others. Yellowing of the lower leaves will happen (generally closer to the end of bud cycle) so it does seem a little early for you. Get some Cal/Mag going as recommended on the bottle. The spots on the upper leaves would be a bit more of a concern. We need some better pictures of that. Nice, really. Very good for your first grow. Don't expect to set the world on fire just yet. There is a learning curve to this. Hang in there and absorb as much as possible. In your spare time search as many questions you can think of and as many threads as possible here. Try and do some of the research yourself and you will be taken much more seriously when a problem comes up. If I said all that right..
Oh Ya... Welcome to the Passion..

Now, show us what them spots look like on you upper leaves. Good picts too.
The pics look good to me when I ‘click’ on them. The thumbnails took blurry but not the actual pics. I don’t see any spots on the leaves. Some nice trichomes are building on the sugar leaves though.
The only reason I said they don’t resemble buds is because of the gap between each new shoot (or whatever it’s called). Everyone else I see who’s in the same time frame as me has much bigger ones and the gaps are filled in and they actually look like buds and all I see are pistils and there’s literally no smell. If I run the stem between my fingers I can faintly smell it but other that that nothing. Sorry to be a total noob here ☹️
The gaps will fill in as the bud sites grow. Time frame is relative and dependent on a lot of variables(strain(unknown), light intensity(light height above the plant tops, PPFD footprint of your light, manufacturer and wavelengths of the diodes), nutrients, pH, airflow, etc). The pistils all are sprouting from a calyx which is where the seed would form if the plants were pollinated. Those will plump up as the buds develop. Smell as monkey said can take some time or may not come at all depending on strain, nutes, lighting, etc(there is a common refrain here). I would suggest, as monkey did, to read a bunch of stuff. You are doing quite an admirable job for your experience level(or even had you grown a bunch). Your plants look good. Just relax and enjoy the ride. Flowering to me is the fun part. Your buds will look better and better day by day. Just keep an eye out for issues(like monkey was posting about spots). The quicker you see problems and fix them, the better your plants will grow.
I will also suggest you look into pruning or tucking some of the large fan leaves to allow more light to reach the bud sites. Look for tutorials on here or elsewhere on pruning. I would avoid what some call defoliation(pruning a lot or all of the fan leaves) at this point in your learning experience(but you will see a lot of people defoliating when they say pruning).
Ok here are the photos of the brown spots. They’re not on every leaf just yet and hopefully they won’t be. Notice how the tips are also discolored…like a yellowish brown color. The tips have been like that since it grew its first set of true leaves but the brown spots only started showing up like a week ago coincidentally since I started using the fox farm tiger bloom. It doesn’t seem to like it and I’m even using less than the recommended dosage. I also included a pic of the bottom leaves and how they’re dying. It has frosted up pretty nice though.


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I will also suggest you look into pruning or tucking some of the large fan leaves to allow more light to reach the bud sites. Look for tutorials on here or elsewhere on pruning. I would avoid what some call defoliation(pruning a lot or all of the fan leaves) at this point in your learning experience(but you will see a lot of people defoliating when they say pruning).
I actually did that about 2 weeks ago. I lst’d the main stem which is why it’s bent over to make a more even canopy and I started removing some of the larger fan leaves to allow more light to penetrate. I’ve been reading a ton and it’s all conflicting honestly. Different articles and forums contradict each other to the point where I don’t know what to believe haha. Like earlier in this convo where Bugus was talking about the cal mag and I’ve read you’re not supposed to add it in the flowering stage…only veg. Or like you just said about removing fan leaves. I’ve read some articles that say the buds themselves don’t need light…all photosynthesis occurs in the fan leaves so don’t remove them. Or about flushing 2 weeks prior to harvest. It’s soooooo confusing lol.
There is more than one way to skin a cat. And grow weed. Those spots look like the plants could use som cal-mag. I have always used it throughout veg and flower. A lot of folks feed up until harvest. The argument is the plant is growing up until harvest. That makes sense to me. I am going to try it next time I grow inside though I have always cut out nutes the last couple of weeks before harvest. I like to learn from others and will never ‘know it all’ about growing plants. I don’t think any of us do which is why this site is such a valuable resource.
I think Ole Fogey is right on with the cal/mag thing. Would sort of explain the lower leaf problem this early into flowering. By chance are you able to get a picture or 2 of the back side of your leaves sort of close, maybe where them spots are? And I am far from the resident expert here! Way Far! In fact, I'm the guy who has fungus gnats in Hydroton, go figure. My page should be called The Murphy's Law Grow Closet. The big guys AND gals, who I at least consider the pros here, are watching for sure, and they will chime in if and when necessary. If they haven't yet, consider what advice you got so far, good. Greatest hobby ever!
I think Ole Fogey is right on with the cal/mag thing. Would sort of explain the lower leaf problem this early into flowering. By chance are you able to get a picture or 2 of the back side of your leaves sort of close, maybe where them spots are? And I am far from the resident expert here! Way Far! In fact, I'm the guy who has fungus gnats in Hydroton, go figure. My page should be called The Murphy's Law Grow Closet. The big guys AND gals, who I at least consider the pros here, are watching for sure, and they will chime in if and when necessary. If they haven't yet, consider what advice you got so far, good. Greatest hobby ever!


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Yeaaa. Thank goodness, no cooties (Bugs). They generally hide on the back side from the lighting. Get your cal/mag thing happening, your going to do great!!! In your spare time / if you ever have any / research as much as you can think of here and then some.
Yeaaa. Thank goodness, no cooties (Bugs). They generally hide on the back side from the lighting. Get your cal/mag thing happening, your going to do great!!! In your spare time / if you ever have any / research as much as you can think of here and then some.
Just added it and now adjusting ph. Thanks for the tips!
I think Ole Fogey is right on with the cal/mag thing. Would sort of explain the lower leaf problem this early into flowering. By chance are you able to get a picture or 2 of the back side of your leaves sort of close, maybe where them spots are? And I am far from the resident expert here! Way Far! In fact, I'm the guy who has fungus gnats in Hydroton, go figure. My page should be called The Murphy's Law Grow Closet. The big guys AND gals, who I at least consider the pros here, are watching for sure, and they will chime in if and when necessary. If they haven't yet, consider what advice you got so far, good. Greatest hobby ever!
You do fine , quite nicely in fact
10 day update. They are filling in quite nicely and starting to smell good. Tip of microscope got some trichome action when taking pics and it smells heavenly. 40 days in and I have a bunch of cloudy trichomes…can’t be right…no way this thing is anywhere near ready. Not even close. No amber yet. Starting to get some red/orange hairs on a lower bud too but just that one. I’m patiently waiting but patience was never my strong suit lol. And yes my canopy is uneven, not sure why. When flowering first began I did some lst on the main cola and it was all even. Light is uniform so I’m not sure and at this point it’s not a big deal. I’ll harvest in stages if I have to but they are all getting light…I tucked a few fan leaves. My buddy keeps trying to get me to snip because she’s bushy as heck but I say let it ride. I have a fan blowing from underneath and on top so she’s getting great airflow. I added the calmag at the behest of you guys and those brown spots stopped dead in their tracks. Still have yellowing tips tho but again, at this point, put it all on black and let it ride!


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There is more than one way to skin a cat. And grow weed. Those spots look like the plants could use som cal-mag. I have always used it throughout veg and flower. A lot of folks feed up until harvest. The argument is the plant is growing up until harvest. That makes sense to me. I am going to try it next time I grow inside though I have always cut out nutes the last couple of weeks before harvest. I like to learn from others and will never ‘know it all’ about growing plants. I don’t think any of us do which is why this site is such a valuable resource.
I got Em1 and watered it in 2 days ago .Wow All 8 plants jumped to attention .Very impressed! ty!

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