today I noticed, infact just the last hour, some leaves are curling up and loosing their shine and getting brittle.. the plants are nearly half way through flowering. I'm sure I havent over fed them and I always flush the old feedings with water inbetween . can it be heat? yesterday I put a reflective surface behind the plants so they would benifit from not only the powerful tropical sun but the reflection as well, cant think it would make that much of a heat difference , .
any ideas?. I might just put in the shade now and flush with plenty of water as an emergency measure untill someone can come to my rescue with what exactly the problem is.... also having a another issue with some seedling but that for another thread....
any ideas?. I might just put in the shade now and flush with plenty of water as an emergency measure untill someone can come to my rescue with what exactly the problem is.... also having a another issue with some seedling but that for another thread....