CWB said:
There was a device we used called an irrigation indexing valve. This allowed us to use a smaller reservoir.
Yes, I'm familiar with them. A member of my family owns an injection molding company that makes one of them. Hehe, I still have a bunch of them in boxes somewhere.
I keep my system as it is for simplicity. It never needs the nutrient changed. My reservoir holds 18 gallons. The refill of a gallon a day keeps the nutrient levels as they should be without adjustment and the pH stays perfect with the use of pH buffered nutes.
I have thought about buying the nutrient mixing system that is made in Holland to refill automatically in each system and valve it to multiple systems, but I'm still enmeshed in refining the continuous harvest system I'm working on now.
If you read my Snow White thread, you'll learn about the system I'm developing. It was originally a 2 ounce each 15 days system, but I've brought it along to my next step of using the same amount of lights and area, but more tubs. My next attempt will be to harvest 4 ounces every 10 days from a 3.5 x 5.5 area. Each 4 ounces can be two different strains, so with a cycle of 50 days, I can have 10 strains in work at any given time.
I'm having fun with this one. I have a slight nutrient problem to resolve, but I'll figure it out eventually.
Good luck to you man. I look forward to hearing about you having a grow going. There are far too few hydro people here. It's good to have you in the group.