Has anyone known a cannabis smoker that got Covid? Edibles don’t count

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I am ttpe O and hsver never had it or or bad enough to know I had it. Mrs Pute is the same and she is type B. She has almost never smoked. I can't see how that would make a difference but maybe it does.
From studies that have been done so far on random groups living in high covid areas and such. Large % of O blood have not gotten the Vid
Well that just got shot all to hell. Just ask my Wife what blood type she is. She is 0+ and I can guarantee you she was sicker than a mother fker.😏
And I'm not fking with you. I shit you not. I never knew her blood type until now.
She said her brother Mario is also Type 0 and he had it last yr.
I guess maybe it helps or something. Hell if I know.
I'm O+ and have had it three times. The first one was mean, but the last two weren't all that bad. It was the nagging cough that made the first one so mean. At no time did I ever think I was on my way out, and never bothered going to the doctor. Wife and kid did, and they both tested positive.
Exactly brother. That fking test i would be willing to bet will pick up any protein that is flu-related,,,, and because its called a Covid test that's what they claim you have when you could just have a common cold or flu. The devil is in the test, not the Covid/Flu.

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