hi R2U, a little something while im stoned on some dank *** weed
10x3 = 30
30x50 (optimum wattage per sqr ft) = 1500 watts needed
you could make that into three 3x3 rooms ensuring a harvest every month. but lets get started on your first. you could just put a (lightproof) curtain up and 3ft from 1 end, there is your 3x3 room . then you are gonna need a 400w HPS, but you have the head room so get a 600w.
next your gonna need ventilation, 600w is going too generate alot of heat, so i think a 6" rvk and filter combo will do the job.
(correct me if im wrong anyone, ive never set a room this size up (yet)) and go with a 6" for intake too, only set in on a lower speed than the out fan.
you could also line the two solid walls with mylar, you clould even do the door if you wanted.
just make sure the curtain is lght proof coz when it comes to 12/12, your gonna have problems.
hope this helps and hop i can help more in the future,
oh.... and
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