Grow Journal of a Cannabinoid Android

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Looking good, giving the bigger ones some nutes now?

I only said something about spraying because I seen it in alot of the pics I thought. :eek:

DGF, when I start to hear alot of conflicting opinions on things I only assume it really doesnt matter.
Did 2 quarts between the 4 big ones, with 1/8 strength nutes @ 412 PPM... two feedings so far. :)

Yeah, I do get the top a bit wet with the spray bottle...not aiming for the leaves anymore after the "do and don't" spray bit, I just get the top of the soil wet a bit.

And yeah, as for the dead leaves, if I think it's time to take em I will, but most likely I'll let most of them fall off. We'll see what happens. Really, I just want at LEAST 2oz between each of the 9 plants, and I'll be happy. I believe that's the low/average for a quality plant, with 6oz+ being really good.
Checked in this morning and everything, truly, looks phenomenal. :D I'm a happy green thumb :)

So I should do nutes roughly every other feed if I remember correctly, yes? Or should I stagger it a little bit more during first rounds of nutes and go a little longer?
3 days after last feeding, I've fed them today a nute mix of around 500 PPM (roughly 495, up from 415 last time)

They sure are looking green and purdy. Minus the biggest one still having light green tips, but I think that's residual yellow from "asking" for nutes a week ago. And the burning of the leaves.

Temps 68° RH 42%
My lord, they look extremely healthy. I'm seriously happy with what's growin' on right now :)

Temps are cold, but they are loving it. Should I put my diode for "outside temp" under the light area so I know a temp under there, or would the light heat it up more than the relative temperature?

Tent said 64° RH 70%
Just went up and turned the dimmer on the ballast to 100% with the 400w MH. I've also got my ventilation up on "medium" speed (more than enough for tent size) and attaining a good amount of negative pressure. Mostly turned the vent up for increase in any heat from turning dimmer up.

I'm thinking of starting training in a few days. Get some LST going on.. FIMing in a couple weeks if I had to guess. Turned the OSC fan up from low to medium as well.
EllisD said:
Day 27

Temp: 71°
RH: 47%
PH: 6.3
PPM: 73
*Just water fed tonight*

Plants are looking quite good to my noob eyes. What do you all think?

Just be gettin to yur fireside pilgrem sorry fur my "tardyness" but ifin those little ones be 27 days old yual might have a problem less Im missin somethin ;)

They had a rough early life BWD, and thanks for pullin' up a stump.

They sure are looking good today :) Maybe a little tacoing on one of them, I'd assume that's from the nutes?
Thankin ya to the welcome friend like yur stump offered think I be settin to it time gain now I be stumblin to it ;) I dont reckon I like havin bunch of fires tendin cause it tends to be givin me brain some swellin keepin to lots of fires thats why kind sticks to mine and the ocassional other ifin I can sorry dont get to yur for so long pilgrem.

Cheers BWD, it's all good. I just appreciate any and all fellows to stop on by and say a word or two :D

So, inside tent this morning was 58°... everything looks great, but man do those temps freak me out. :(
Well, temps are up to 66° inside the tent with RH @ 47%

Here's some pics so you can let me know what you think. Took some with lighter for a reference point.










Thoughts on training? I was thinking of starting LST at some point soon.
What do you mean why? I was thinking of starting LST soon... too soon?

How does "why" help and contribute to this thread my friend? :(
Why do you want to lst? Is there a reason? Seems like you have plenty of head room.
OH, that kind of why, I'm sorry.

I wanted 1) to practice, but mostly 2) to have as much of an even canopy as possible. I have 5x Blue OG that are weeks behind the other 4. I wanted to train the 4 and do NO training (basically) on the 5 that are new. Try to not let the 4 that are older over take the canopy.
I just do not like stressing my plants any more then I have to before they show maturity. I feel that I get more females and less males/hermies this way. Once I get a known stable strain I do all kinds of stuff to it(mostly with clones). I would look more into topping/pinching/super cropping once they are bigger and mature. They will slow up for a couple days each time you preform one of them. To even the canopy you can always stack books/milk crates/styrofoam under the shorter ones to even the canopy. Your plants have had a rough start already, do they need more. Less stress happier plant.imo.
Yeah I was looking to FIM as well.. so maybe just pass up on the LST this time and FIM once or twice on the 4 big ones you think? Yeah I don't want to stress em anymore.... :(

Thanks for your input!

On that note I think I'm about to go and give the 4 large ones another 500ppm round of nutes tonight.
Picked up another bag of Sunshine Advanced Mix #4 today, so I have enough to transplant my 5x Blue OG when they are ready.. and picked up more then enough nutes for the entire grow.

Just headed up, temps were 71° and RH was 57%.. everything looked good. Fed them another round of nutes, this time the PPM's were around 531. Light feeding for sure. Next feeding I'm stepping it up by adding some Amino Blast and Grow Spray. I'm doing the Xnutrients Advanced program, just as a reminder to anyone that may have skimmed some. :D
This is getting to be a 'show' now... Everyday I'm opening this tent and blown away by the growth and how healthy they look. Nutes are sitting around 550PPM's and temps this morning were 66° with RH @ 70%

FIM after 5th node yes? (I'm quite sure I remember this answer from the videos I've watched, just figured I'd ask. I think it's going to be time to FIM soon.

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