Grow Journal of a Cannabinoid Android

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EllisD said:
I was just told to be wary of growing multi-strain my first grow. As it is I have 3 Pineapple Chunk and 1 Blue Lemon Thai... My seeds that are in route right now are (also FEM) 5x Blue OG and 1x Toxic Blue ... wouldn't it be a bad idea to run these all together? I do admit 4 months is a bit rough, but I was preparing myself for something like that anyways. I was thinking of popping some of the Blue OG is it is... lol

Just worried about having so much different sizes for plants. Didn't want the PC to take over the rest of the garden, and not give new guys room. If I had a separate veg area, I think this would all be sorted. I'm looking to get another tent very soon... :)

Cheers for taking moments. Pics and afternoon temps coming soon!

i prefer to do one strain per light but im always doing a lot of strains
I see people do it all the time. a tent just like yours they'll have like 9 plants all different strains 4 5 feet tall you can do it. it just wont be as even unless you train them very well and keep up with height differences it all depands on the strain and I think you have similar strain so why not you'll finish a month sooner say like in june insted of july :hubba: If you don't care about popping some more seeds(i know they are expensive and not too easy to get)
try going with the blue OG's or whatever you like and mix it up a bit
at the end you get about the same weight may b a little less then just growing one strain.
plus you get to smoke different flavors;)
adn u growing for personal use only right?
so who cares you get a lil less then max yields
at least youll be smoking all june long insted of waiting till July
its gonna b some good bud since its not gonna get baged n passed around tru many people.
it will be from the treee to your bong HAHA
good luck see what other people think also
Thanks Dr.. surely considering everything you said!!

Anyone else have thoughts about this? Seems like if I do pop some more seeds, I would train the crap out of the 4 in there now, and just let the new ones go with minimal training. That should keep my canopy somewhat even I'd imagine.

Temps today, 68° and 42% RH. Everything is looking great in the tent, and all plants are working on their 3rd set of leaves. :)

Also, the Pineapple Chunk is SURELY stinking up the tent already. Can absolutely tell they are a Skunk #1 breed lol! :stoned:
..and according to the tracker, the beans should arrive today! :D

Still wanted some other thoughts on my last post. If I pop these seeds, I can just train the crap out of the 4 that are in there and do less training on new seeds to keep canopy and harvest time around the same ya? (The new seeds require less time to finish than what already has had over 2 weeks)
As I remember, you are doing 1 ebb and flow table? I think that you should be able to keep an even canopy, but it will take some training, which you may have to do even with running one strain. You can get some quite different phenos within the same bag of seeds. While I personally like to run fewer larger plants, many people do well with more smaller ones.

I don't think that the training will be too difficult though as the plants you have going now don't have a huge head start. Low stress training works well to even the canopy or you can top or FIM.

The times we are given for them to finish is flowering time, not total time growing. And since you do not have a veg space and a flowering space, and they are going into the same table, you will need to start flowering all at the same time. So, if they all go into flowering at the same time, the difference in flowering time rather than the difference in strain may be your biggest problem. I have never grown E & B, so don't know if you can remove individual plants without damaging those around it? That would probably be my question, as I feel confident that you will be able to maintain a fairly even canopy without too much problem.
Excellent! THG has graced the thread, thank you! :)

I would say that I should be able to yield some plants earlier and leave others just fine. I don't see any problem with doing that. I'm familiar with the training methods, and even feel quite confident with having the ability to do them! :D So yeah, if it's not too bad of an idea (which it's not seeming to) I think I'm going to go with the plan I laid out, thanks for advice.

So final recap. I'll be Topping the 4 that are in now (at least once.. maybe twice) to keep them kind of in track with the new ones. I believe the new ones will also finish before the old 4 (funny enough) considering what the breeders statements were on them.

Thank you all very much. Excellent. :bong:
LOL--I pop in here a lot, but you have been getting excellent advise all the way around. As unlikely as this may seem, sometimes I have nothing to say.

I was just worried about the roots from the plants taken early rotting in the medium and causing problems, but it may not be. I have gotten to where I prefer to fim rather than top. Fim is like a mini topping, but I seems to me the plant recovers faster and has 4 tops.
Yeah, if they recover faster than FIMing it is. :D Cheers for dropping in, I really need any an all advice I can get!!
Ok, 5x Blue OG by G13 labs are now between 2 paper towels and soaking.

Time to sing my song:

"Gerrrrrrrminaation time, C-MON! Let's Germinate"
"...... GERRRmiiination time, C-MON!...."

......"It's a Germination"......

"Gerrrmination time, C-MON!"
Temps: 68°
RH: 42%

Everything is looking excellent :) I'm excited that I've popped the 5x Blue OG, and that I could potentially have a very full tent!

Things are getting interesting.
The Hemp Goddess said:
... I have gotten to where I prefer to fim rather than top. Fim is like a mini topping, but I seems to me the plant recovers faster and has 4 tops.

O Wow I had to search for "Fim a plant" i didn t know what it meant. turns out I've been Fimming for years. lol that's What I usually do unless I wanna make that top a clone. fimming is the way to go. I pinch it with my finger nail or a sharp blade been careful not to cut the leafs next to the very tip

I found this when i did the ssearch

"Fimming is actually no different that topping, what fimming does is virtually the exact same thing only your leaving part of the new growth. This only takes of part of the new growth and actually topping the very very new growth which is very hard to see.

What this ends up doing is making it seem as if your getting 4 new tops right next to eachother when its actually only 2 at the very top (like topping) but since it was cut so closely to the next newest set of fanleaves 2 branches which would have formed there anyways seems to make it look like there is 4 new tops."
Nice cheers Dr! :)

5x Blue OG are ALL tap rooted in just 24 hours and ready to go. Note to self, G13 seeds are absolutely top notch!! From the packaging, to the look of the seeds (compared to the other 6 I had got weeks ago... all were light/green seeds, none were tiger striped like these 5)

I'll be planting them today and assimilating them to the rest.
Assimilated :D

I was going to get pics, but I'll wait to do that tonight. I noticed, while looking at the garden today, that the cotyledons (first 2 leaves) are now yellow. Now these plants will be ready for nutes it seems yes? I imagine I'll do a half strength set of nutes for a few weeks, all the while taking the new seedlings out so they don't get nutes. Or should I just Flood and Drain with water and use a pre-mixed up batch of nutes and top feed them? I'm just a bit confused on this part now that I have seedlings with "children" ...or however I'd classify it. :D

... just came to me... I should've planted them into Rapid Rooters and used the dome and just left it uncovered and in the tent. That would've made watering a bit easier lol.
Ellis--do not start with 1/2 strength nutes on those babies--start with something like 1/8 or quarter. I would also top feed them until they get larger.

I've always thought of fimming as a mini topping. I do sometimes get the leaves when I fim. It is not a big deal but they do look king of funny--maybe like an insec t has been nibbling on them.
Only reason I say half strength is because after reading about the nutes they seem to be a veryyy "safe" and "weak" nutrient. Either way, 1/4 strength should be good.. and I'll top feed to start.. eventually I want to flood and drain the table with the premixed nutes in the 15 gal res. So far, I'm just flooding with water right now.

Thanks THG.. I've surely made things very intricate, interesting and overall ignorantly involved, but hey.. let's see what happens together :)

Just went up and snapped some pics.. sorting them now, and uploading in moments. :D
Day 21 for 4 (Pineapple Chunk x3 + Blue Lemon Thai)
Day 1 for 5 (Blue OG x5)

Temps 65°
RH: 47%
(Yeah, had an ice storm all yesterday and last night... that was fun..)

I have one that looks slightly sad.. I think? Front left in the first pic. Also, the 4th pic really shows the yellow cotyledons.







Thanks Dr. :)

Anybody else have thoughts at this stage?

Mine are: "***.. temps, stop dropping and messing with my tent!"
and also; "Hmm, yellow Cotyledon's.. nute time it seems??"

What would YOU be doing right now if this were your grow? :D

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