Grow crashing, please help. 2nd year grower

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Jul 18, 2023
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North Carolina
Good morning, I hope everybody is doing all right, well I’m tripping and freaking out please help. I have these plants going in the exact same spot as last year only they were in the ground last year and they grow bags this year. And yeah there’s a bunch of other things growing around them, but just two weeks ago everything was in good shape for the most part maybe three weeks ago. But here’s today and I can’t figure it out, I know Septoria is going everywhere, am I seeing rust mold, septoria, and nutrient burn? what the hell please help!

I know I am in a crowded place but I had too. I have been using Bonide liquid copper fungicide. Nutes are beanstalk absolute flower, Mother Earth flower, and cal mag. Beanstalk is a one time crf that blew up my grow in June and July. Everything else used on schedule. It has been raining it’s ass off all summer. Can you see anything that you can identify, is there hope? They seem to still be growing!
looks pretty rough but I bet they will get over it and turn out producing some smokable weed

take some more photos in two weeks and see where they are at
Maybe the PH of your soil is not letting the calmag get in. @boo reminded me about adding Epsom salt to my plants water for an inside plant I had recently had what seemed to be cal mag issues. It fixed my plant. Don’t know if this would work for you but maybe some outside growers will chime in.
What are good ways to check soil ph? Water no problem, soil never done. Are those cheap little kits at lowes and ace hardware worth it or close to accurate?
I would get myself a PH pen online and have them shipped to your house in 24 hours. To check the pH of your soil put some in the water after pHing the water and then agitate for a few minutes and then check the reading again. if the pH numbers go up or down, that’s what tells you the PH of the soil…I would look to keep the range at or near 6.0…
So here is a question, what about heat stress. We have been in the 90’s almost every day the past 5-6 weeks and especially the last 4. Heat index in the 100’s
I think it has to do with the root zone. Calcium deficiency happens on new leaves and not old leaves since it is highly immobile. It could be nutrient imbalance or high salinity in the soil overwatering causing roots to drown etc... Talking about heat stress yes it can cause many problems and is a problem that has to be dealt with. don't water with hot water better do it at night or early morning. vent the area and maybe some shading in mid day. Make sure not to over water or under water when it is that hot.
I prefer hydro so this is based on that.. Sort of. I am guessing A Hot Mix of Medium/Soil. If I am correct, them grow bags are suppose to leach out the extra/over watering and breath a little bit. Get a small PH kit and a britta filter pitcher if you have to. Run some water through that britta and collect it in a couple buckets. Run straight good water with nothing through your plants for about 5 or 6 days. Each time check the PH of the run off so you can correct your next watering (Flush). Flush the soil out, I would not go a full week, and continue your regular feeding / grow plan etc. If you were still in Veg cycle I would say flush your soil 10 days.

That answer is all coffeed up with several hits of blackberry kush through the bowl this morning too.
I prefer hydro so this is based on that.. Sort of. I am guessing A Hot Mix of Medium/Soil. If I am correct, them grow bags are suppose to leach out the extra/over watering and breath a little bit. Get a small PH kit and a britta filter pitcher if you have to. Run some water through that britta and collect it in a couple buckets. Run straight good water with nothing through your plants for about 5 or 6 days. Each time check the PH of the run off so you can correct your next watering (Flush). Flush the soil out, I would not go a full week, and continue your regular feeding / grow plan etc. If you were still in Veg cycle I would say flush your soil 10 days.

That answer is all coffeed up with several hits of blackberry kush through the bowl this morning too.

have another cup and you can write a 4 page essay with sources cited


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