Correct with the bokashi bran/bokashi.
Just don't get real hung up on the semantics, it's all just different forms of the very same thing. Think dry yeast vs liquid yeast vs starter dough, if you bake.
The EM-1concentrate or AEM (expanded EM-1), or the bokashi bran will all get you to the same place, just at slightly different speeds and methods of application. It's all the same microbes.
I really like the bokashi bran (think dry yeast), because it's so easy to toss a handful into my worm bins, add to my soil mixes, or just sprinkle it around. You can also make a *blend*, like adding some alfalfa meal and/or kelp meal to the wheat bran. Dry it well and seal it well and the stuff lasts for years, or so it seems.
I do wish they offered smaller amounts of the concentrate, like an 8oz size. I mean, enough AEM for a 40# bag of wheat bran only requires ~4oz of the concentrate. This is just going by memory, but I do remember that close to 1/2 of the Qt of concentrate expired after I had made and used a boatload of the stuff. I am just now coming to the end of all the bran I made back in 2010 (2-40# bags worth).
I'll order some when the temps drop a bit for shippinng. Like in Sept or so, but before it freezes.