Well, I couldn't stand to let you guys have all the fun so I stopped by to see my buddy today at the local head shop to see what kind of percolators he had.
This guy has been in business for 46 years. And, I have done business with him most of those. LOL When I was a hippie and made leather belts and bags, I used to sell them to him and he would sell them at the head shop. Awesome guy. He introduced me to Tommy Chong of Cheech and Chong. That was a big deal back in those days. LOL
I'm sure he felt bad selling me this $40 perc for $100. LOL
As I was leaving, we were talking old time stuff about the "good old days" and he asked about Mrs. Hackerman and jumped to say, "You can't go home without something for the misses." LOL He knows she likes red so he grabbed this little red glass pipe with a cute little case and tossed it in the bag with a smile.
Between that and getting to visit with his dog, Sir Booger it was a fun trip.
The pipe is kind of cool. The hit is a little too soft for me. I am used to the harsh bubbling of the bong and this was a little light.
He told me to fill it to just above the percolator/honeycomb (whatever it's called) but I'm sure he has no clue because he's been "dry" for decades. LOL
I added more water and I like it a little better. I just need to get used to it. I put a few grams of hash through it so far and it's OK, I guess. The bowl has to go. There's a pretty good choice of bowls available.
I am going to check out that site again. You guys had pretty good luck. Maybe third will be the charm. Yours looks more complex, and better quality than mine.... for a lot less.
Toke on, friends.
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