Girl from New mexico

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Dec 23, 2007
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I'm Shannon and I'm a latina from the south valley!

I love la mota, and my favorite things are dancing and growing and completely veging out to Shakira.

...and I love FLOON the party god who is the great obsidian and gold provider of weed. a humongous mighty Santa, I guess.

I may, of course, be insane.

but I'm cute.
hi and welcome to mp hope u enjoy the site cant wait to see ur grow
Hey Shannon! I am from too. Welcome to the site, this is a great place to get all the info you need to grow some amazing crops. Glad to see someone else from NM on here!
lets see a pic of the pretty lady before you sprout anything:eek: jk i got a beatuiful gf:p
HI shannon2, Cute and latin:hubba:Im likeing you all ready!!!
Welcome to MP, See you around:D
Welcome to MP. Glad to have ya here and hope to see ya around. Enjoy the site! ;)
have a great time here at MP and make sure the grow bug bitez you.PS
Thanks for letting me join and post!!!!

I'm glad there are other new mexicans on here, and everybody is great in the forums...when I get my spring plant going I'll put pictures of her on as she grows..

I'm sure I'll be begging for advice from you guys and gals who are more better growers than me too, if that's ok.
Nice to see more women getting into the growing culture... and logging on the forums!
You'll soon see that Mp is one of the friendliest sites you'll find!
Hey welcome to the site,
Those that find their way here have a good time, and with little effort you can be a part of all the fun and laughter, just like your already doing.
Fair warning though, all the folks here love good pics done carefully for privacy, (remember safe). we just love to see how your doing with a good grow, and don't worry about anyone ever chopping you down cause everyone here is still learning all the time.
A side note for ya, I am German and Scott, but here I am human, and I love to laugh and explore the world and do all sorts of wild adventures. I even leave now and then. LOL
See ya around, and feel free to ask all the questions you want, BUT most likely you will find the very subject matter already posted in the forums so be sure to look.

smoke in peace
I am already enjoying being here and thanks for writing me privately and reminding me not to use a picture of myself as my avatar so I'm safe if i want to talk about illegal things that should NOT be illegal....I changed it to a picture of FLOON the party god, instead.

I have nothing against police but I think they are stooges and pawns in politicians hands to force an unjust law that those dudes just made up so they can stay in power using weed as a public demon.

I think, if anyone is a cop and reading this you should refuse to enforce unjust laws of oppression!!!

...and if youre not a cop, then I like you even more.

hahahahaha...I just read my own post and it's barely making any sense...

I'm pretty retarded.

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