freak MK-Ultra seedling

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so this little guy broke ground almost 2 weeks ago and has finally started showing me some growth....for the first week and a half it had only its cotyledon leaves and no it's started growing it's serrated leaves and in a pattern that looks like it somehow managed to top itself....i'm definately gonna have to keep my eye on this little one....and sorry for the bad pic....i won't have my camera back for another 3 weeks....
well after over a week and a half on no growth it's starting to kick up....this little one has literally tripled it's growth's a little bit better updated pic....

this one has caught my attention the most out of everything i've got going right now....i think i may have to start a seperate grow journal for this one....Hey Mutt, any chance of moving over to grow journals?
looking good so far can't wait to see more
this little one is still showing me good growth....i haven't ever had a plant this small with stems so got it's first dose of FloraNova Grow at 1.25ml per gallon 2 days ago....i've got another seedling that is starting off the same way that this one did so i'll be keeping an eye on that one's a couple pics from this morning....


here's a decent shot of the split....
2 for the price of one is always a good sign
:holysheep: Never seen anything like that befor.
it gets better....i've got another one that's starting off the same exact way this one did....i don't know if it's something with these MK-Ultra genetics or what but i've never had any problems with them in the past....maybe i just scored an odd batch of beans....

i'm thinking of topping it in the next week or so to make it form into a nice little bush....seems like a good idea since it's already on it's way....
that's kewl, bro... it's just a deformity in the genetics... like you said, "bad" batch of seeds... but hey... think about it tho... this is from "birth", so you may just find that, as with conjoinned twins, more nutrient supplement might be required... just keep that in mind, cuz it might be a little harder to burn the conjoined twins.

but anyways, way kewl man... looks to me you got twins. congrats.

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