Yeah, I'll chop him in a few days I'll rekon. I'm gonna cure it out anyway, and I'll give y'all a depressing smoke report at some point. Cheers for reading. *suppresses tears* ...
You know what - It doesn't smoke too badly. Get a nice body high, but i did find myself giggling at dogs as well, so it must be kinda stoney. Pity it was a male, but I had fun growing it. I'll be back with a nice new plant at some point. peace out x
If it didn't smoke too bad... then it was most likely a dudegirl. I mean that would generally be something found on the street. I think "hermie" the marijuana plant would be a better name for it.
How long did you let it go? Did the pollen sacks rupture?
sorry about that man happens alot see ithough u had a female seed guess you couldnt call him frankie for nothin male name start over man invest in a 10 pack female of just 1 or 2 packs or standard youll get 1 female out of that most likely get a few i would clone it you can clone mother lots of time or take cuttings from 2 female plants thatgives you about 14 females and after you take the cuttings you can still grow those females out to get bud be about half the yelid but its somthing or you can keep growing it and take more cuttings every month