Forum etiquette

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dream grower

Don't forget your towel!
Aug 25, 2006
Reaction score
I'm new to this. Is it proper(or safe) to ask a location of another? Or, give out that sort of info? I see this done in several posts. Scares Me... :confused: Hey, Love the forum!
HELL NO!!!!!. If that is the case it NEEDS to be brought to a moderators attention. In no way shape or form should the location or identity of a person be posted publicly. EVER!!!!!!!!!!.
That is in the forum guidelines as well. Please PM one of the moderators with the link.

Stoney Bud
The Brother's Grunt

Good call dude. Thanks for givin the heads up. Don't need that on the public forum. Whatcha guys do in a PM is nobodies business, but I do not agree with any body giving out there identity or location. EVER!!
perhaps dream grower is referring to state or area like me and bc or others but i've never seen an address or a true name posted anywhere on the site including the archives. big difference between mary j. blow, 123 anywhere street, little rock, florida. and hey all im from florida, my name is petey.
The question asked, Do you live in u.s.? Also read a post where guy gave out nearly everything but his SS#. My concern is -If I could give general location safely, I could tell you all a Hell of a story that happened to me and my girls couple days ago. To tell the story would definitly give my location though. In fact it would pin-point it. But, it's such an amazing story it needs to be told. I don't know what to do.
i guess to me it wouldnt worry me to even name the city a person is from if it is a huge city. doesnt bother me to say the city im from....cept mutt says its against the rules. and i just trust that he is right, so ill just give the example of dallas or NYC or LA. but i guess there isnt much of a reason to say anyway. cept maybe latitaude if you have an outdoor grow
its ok to say the state or area in the country where you live but its very risky to give a town name but anyways you dont use your real name as your display name but do you think its ok to say the town you live in on chat or on a private message
Just tell the story using different names and stuff. You live in NY say you live in NC. You were at a bar called Jim's change it to Joe's. Very simple and you can tell your story.
You ever read the 'news' forum here? As well as on several other sites...when it comes to copy/pasting one seems concerned with names and places mentioned within an article as raising a why joe q. grower/toker that doesn't mind their location being known?

Smells too much like fear monger induced paranoa to me.
"Paranoia" or a well based sense of self preservation, call it as you see fit. Exchanging or revealing personal infoemation or precise location on any public forum is "unwise"..IMHO
Newspaper or magazine articles c/p from other sources with "names and places" included, are already a matter of public record in mosr cases. I've not seen anyone reveal any 'fresh' information or info not already made public by the media.
It comes down to a matter of 'personal opinion' how much info you reveal about yourself, your location. If you live in a state with med provisions for pot and are well within the set guidelines, you might feel more at ease revealing your general location, than if you live in a state with strict restrictions or "0" tolerance laws in effect and the propensity to lock you up.
welcome dream grower ,,,,I'm rasta,,I'm in so,Fla,,,,try to be vague about personal stuff or your location ,,,,,,like me saying I'm in so.Fla. try finding we with that info would be impossible ,,,,,,besides if the cops wanted you they ;would tack you Thur your computer's address ,,,bottom line use your head ,,,,,as always,,,,,peace,love,rastafari
Sombro Thats crazy as hell..If not for the obvious reasons..Those people Should not post pics cause they look like idiots.
WTF!! are those people THAT STUPID!!!!!! God, I hope my kids got more sense than that.
Jeez, Didn't mean to get everybody in an uproar. Sorry, I'll keep my questions to growing and such.
dream grower said:
Jeez, Didn't mean to get everybody in an uproar. Sorry, I'll keep my questions to growing and such.

they aren't upset with you....your post raises a valid question...the posters are upset at the stupidity of the people in the link that was posted above

from being a forum browser of all different types of forums i can see where you would wonder what is proper...and your question does help some to understand things better ...and also see that there are many who are unsafe

you are the only one who can fully yourself...don't give out important personal information...

most posters here will be happy to supply you with generalized info ....and they won't ask you for more beyond that...if they do...AVOID them...a good member won't hound you for personal info

another way to ensure your safety....make sure you log out when you leave the site....don't just close the LOG OUT...if someone else uses your PC and sees this addy in the drop down selections....they could come here to see who possibly is coming here that lives in your home ;)
hey dream grower,,,you ask any ????? you like ,,,,,,,i think your taking this the wrong way ,,,but they are right,, giving up your info is not cool in fact very dangerous as i stated before,,, use you head ,,,be well, as always,,PEACE,LOVE,RASTAFARI
dream grower said:
Jeez, Didn't mean to get everybody in an uproar. Sorry, I'll keep my questions to growing and such.

I think Lady Lunatic summed it up very well. It has nothing to do with you. Just sorta pushin the point home for NEWB's. We are doing something "Illegal". The law may not be "moral" or "ethical" but its still the law. None of us wanna be servin time. So anyone that gives out personal info is beggin for it.
The thing is there is this misconception that LEO DOES NOT watch these places. They figure why should they waste there time. In reality they DO watch these forums. They DO have the time. and they get PAID for there time. Its there job.
They will put a mark on there belt any chance they can get. Busts=promotion. So they want to "excel" in there job and get pay raises. So finding some moron that posted there pic is a massive treat for them. "HEY BOSS look what I found!!" "I due for that promotion".
So your question was extremely valid. Don't ever hesitate to ask a question. EVER. Esp. when it comes to security. ;)
hope our forum doesn't ever turn into a bunch of kids posting pics of themselves.....
DopeDoctor said:
hope our forum doesn't ever turn into a bunch of kids posting pics of themselves.....

I'm sure the mods and admin. won't let that happen. ;)

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