First soil grow

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Portable A/C works wonderfully. No odor worries, like my house to smell like dank :D.

As for strains. Back left is ReCON, back middle is Drambula, back right is LGS, front left Kory Kush, front and center is the bubbleberry, and front right is Northern Lights x Blueberry. All are new to me besides the LGS, been growing that for years.
So I've decided to take daily photos to make a time lapse of flowering on this when done. Anyways here are pics of day two thru five of flower. Not much happening yet but here they are.

day 2.JPG

day 3.JPG

day 4.JPG

day 5.JPG

day 5 canopy shot.JPG
yo your plants look great man.2 1k hps is excellent as neighbors for odor or electric bills to worry ya?if thats the case then great.hope it goes well,from the looks though and your exp. you speak of im sure youll do just fine.ill be keeping up so i can wish thats what i had goin =P
Trust me I worry bout the electric bill. But I've done everything else I can to compensate. Hang dry the laundry, all bulbs in the house are led, and unplug anything not in use.
damn suckin it up.that would run me about 10 bucks a week for water.i would have to invest in my own filter by then...or you can just distill your own water:)
My tap is great, never checked my pH but never had a prob.
Medman said:
So the ladies are drinking more heavily everyday. Each one is taking 2 gal every 3-4 days. Which is killing my chemy supply btw.

:holysheep: that is a load of water and nutes, looking very nice though :aok:
yumyumbubblegum said:
:holysheep: that is a load of water and nutes, looking very nice though :aok:

Yeah it is. Watering has become a 1.5-2 hr ordeal. Do it all by hand. Not complaining tho, I love the work.
Thanks Turkeyneck...Each one is about 4.5 to 5 ft tall and wide now. I'll post some updated pics later tonight. I will no longer be posting outside of this journal sadly. Gonna finish this grow with weekly pics till done though so enjoy everyone, I sure have had fun watching everyone elses grows.
think I'm gonna space the days out a little more :D hardly notice the changes
So problem upon problem. Was outta town for 3 days. Came home and one of the girls was laying on its side. Very odd as the trunk is almost 2 inches wide, its like the roots started breaking and slowly letting her tip more and more. Staked her back up as best as I could with bamboo rods. Still very ugly though compared to what she looked like. I have a feeling I'm gonna need to go get some netting and setup a trellis.

After fixing that mess I noticed little white spots on all of the bubbleberry's leaves. Flipped one over and little black bugs.....everywhere :eek: . Gonna see if a fogger is safe to use this far into flower. Anyone know? Well I'm off the search the archives for info. WHY WHY WHY.........

The rest are still beautiful for now.
damn dude, that sucks to hear the bad news. your grow looks great other than that though! I spray straight pyrethrum right before I switch over to flowering but I don't know if I'd do it after buds start to develop. Do you know what kind of bugs they are?
pretty sure they are spider mites. Noticed just seconds before their bedtime so didn't get too close of a look. There is ALOT of them though. Don't know how I could've missed this. I fogged with pyrethrum a year ago and haven't really had any bug probs till I did this switch to dirt. Gonna talk to my hydro shop guy about how safe it is to fog in flower. Pyrethrum is derived from a crysanthumun (sp?) so I think it would be ok.
yeah, that's why I like that stuff so much. I figure if I'm gonna use pesticides they might as well be organic. That's the only thing I'm really all that neurotic about in terms of going organic. Keep in mind though that pyrethrum is water soluble so it needs to be used more often than non-organic pesticides. Try fogging right before you put plants in the room and again right before you switch to bloom next time. Fox farm also makes a pyrethrum spray that comes in a spray bottle instead of a fogger. No CFC's, no other pesticides, just pyrethrum & a spreading agent I think.That one seems a little safer to me.

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