FiRsT gRoW!!!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2008
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ok so i put my power skunk seedling in soil 2 days ago and now its about an inch and a half long. im using MG moisture control soil with a florescent light. im growing in my closet, its real basic just the seedling in a cup with soil and a light. it seems to be working good for now but i intend to swich to an hps light a little later. im going to post some pics once i get a chance. let me know what you guys think. :watchplant:
alright so im going on day 4 and i havent done anything to my baby except give it a little water. iv taken a picture of my closet where im growing the plant so you guys can see how much space and air circulation im working with. iv also taken a picture of the light and of course the plant. sadly i dont have a digital camera so i took the pics on my phone and sent them to my friend who is going to e-mail them to me today. sorry about the wait ill have the pics up soon : )
ok so as i promised here are the pics.




Hey there, I hope you enjoy your just beginning grow experience. If anything bad happens, don't let it discourage you. Mistakes are made through all stages of growth by all types of people. Sometimes things even happen beyond your control.

That HPS that you will switch to has a pretty nice looking spot to be hung. I can envision a niiiicee looking grow spot in that closet when done up properly.

You plan on taking any clones and starting a nice on-going garden? GL!
yeah i know mistakes happen but im trying to prevent any from happening so any input would be very helpful.
we all have to start somewhere. I first started with a couple cfl's and a cardboard box, it worked for the first month or so.

edit: you should make a small "L" shaped wall to hold the light in and reflect it back onto the plant, without it you are loseing some of your light. dont put a top on it so air can flow. try to find a small fan to blow on your babbies too, even just a computer fan will work at this stage of growth. dont blow on them too hard though. transplant to a slightly bigger pot when it gets about 4 or 5 sets of leaves. and start some more seeds ASAP, that one could be a boy.
ok so i have that one plant but my friend who gave me the seeds just got caught with his plants by his parents so now i have a total of 2 power skunk plants and 1 auto flowering lowryder diesel plant. sadly the skunk plant that my friend brought over got bent real badly and i dont know if it will make it or not... ill keep you just posted. hopefully i can save it.
hey man did u made holes for bottom cup so water can be drained very well?
roots need water to be drained, so roots will chase the water and let roots grow that way.. ya need a setup room I heard some people in amsterdam is allowed to grow 5 plants in their house, it will be nice to hear how they do the works to have plants around the house its nice wish we can do it in usa
yeah i made holes at th bottom but nothing has drained out. i think its cuz i have the moisture control soil.
lol oh and hick they actually paid him to get rid of them so he went and bought some green and gave me the plants.
Nice first start bro. Keep us up to date. Maybe a journal would be good to start.
how do i start a journal? i thought this was my journal....
i think the HPS you plan on getting will melt the cup...lolol jk.i've got a gnarly idea for vetilation in your case(living in an APT)that should all but eliminate the smell(atleast bring it waaaayyyyy down).i'll try to use windows paint and draw you a diagram . this is only feasable if no one will be entering without prior notice . it's kinda big
alright my plant is doing great but i have a question for you guys.... after the plant sprouts it has the 2 embionic leafs (i dunno how to spell it) then it pops the 2 normal leafs that aren't round... now there are 3 non round leafs coming up out from between the 2 big leafs... i thought only 2 were supposed to come out...
rookie101 said:
alright my plant is doing great but i have a question for you guys.... after the plant sprouts it has the 2 embionic leafs (i dunno how to spell it) then it pops the 2 normal leafs that aren't round... now there are 3 non round leafs coming up out from between the 2 big leafs... i thought only 2 were supposed to come out...
1-3-5-7-9 and up to 13.....what up rookie !!!
hes not talking about how many leaves are on the nodes, he is talking about how many leaves are comming out of the top. Its always 2 unles you top it, which will = 4. It might just be the 3rd set of leaves, thats where they come out from.
ok but why would there only be one leaf coming out instead of 2. dont they come out in pairs?

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