First Grow Ever!

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Update, the girl in flower is doing very well! Took care of the mites with that spray I bought (above post).

The other plant in veg is struggling mightily! Tested soil PH.......7.3!!!! Ruh-roh shaggy!!!
Good luck with the mites. Though I have serious doubts that the Safer's is going to take care of your mite problem. If you are wanting to stay organic, you might want to pick up some SNS 209.

How did you check the soil pH? If you used one of those inexpensive probe things you stick in the soil, they are not to be trusted. I can't remember....Are you organic?
The Hemp Goddess said:
Good luck with the mites. Though I have serious doubts that the Safer's is going to take care of your mite problem. If you are wanting to stay organic, you might want to pick up some SNS 209.

How did you check the soil pH? If you used one of those inexpensive probe things you stick in the soil, they are not to be trusted. I can't remember....Are you organic?

Will look into SNS 209 for sure.

this is the PH meter I am using....hxxp://

And I try to be as organic as possible. Rain water, compost, espoma products, etc. I do question FF's line as being true organic...but I am unsure. That would be the only thing that I think is not 100% organic.

Its very strange because the plant that is in flower and doing very well is the same soil and nute I wonder if the unknown bag seed genetics may be a factor here?
avid....its a spray for bugs, mites etc.

if its mites a spray like "safers" wont work.

pull out the big guns once and they are done.

do research on avid, its what they treat ppl with worms LOL

its not as "bad" as everyone thinks...they just dont know exactly how and why it works and where it comes from.

get some and no need to fk with bugs again.
Ohhh, I got yah...I was like avid is an abjective...pretty sure lol! I got you now.
Here we are, tomorrow is mark of halfway through flowering (give or take)


you can hit them w avid now in flower and no worries but if you wait to long then you will just have to let them go longer or get what bomb or spray u can and try it.

if they take hold tho it will be to late for any neem or other "organic" spray.

research and i hope you get it figured out! :D
budz4me said:
Will look into SNS 209 for sure.

this is the PH meter I am using....hxxp://

And I try to be as organic as possible. Rain water, compost, espoma products, etc. I do question FF's line as being true organic...but I am unsure. That would be the only thing that I think is not 100% organic.

Its very strange because the plant that is in flower and doing very well is the same soil and nute I wonder if the unknown bag seed genetics may be a factor here?

You are either organic or you are not. Chemical nutrients WILL kill the beneficials in the soil. If you are not feeding nutes that are 100% organic, you are not organic. FF's line is definitely not organic. I believe the only product that is organic is Big Bloom. Not that this is bad, but you do not have an organic grow.

Avid is a strong pesticide that will work. I prefer Forbid, which is also a strong pesticide--neither are organic, they are regulated and you have to buy from a reseller, but they absolutely work. I advised SNS 209 because I though you were organic. SNS 209 will not get rid of mites if you already have them, but it will keep them gone once you kill them. In fact, I have not seem anything organic actually get rid of mites and I have tried about everything in my years of growing--pepper sprays, neem oil, Safers soap, Dr, Doom spray, etc, etc. Here is what I have found works: Forbid, Floramite, and Avid.
So far no signs of them at all. Lets hope for good mojo on that front. I will be getting either avid or SNS for the future.

THG, so its kinda like you either have grace or you have none lol. THere is no little bit of grace. So I am not organic...which is fine, its still gonna be better than most that commercial crap in terms of chemicals and the like.
get yer deal dialed man, chems, organics shouldn't matter at this point in your mj growing.

Like an old mj grower once told me: "Don't Sweat The Petty, Just Pet The Sweaty" :hubba:

gj so far bud. Those buds are lookin' stellar. :aok:
budz4me said:
So far no signs of them at all. Lets hope for good mojo on that front. I will be getting either avid or SNS for the future.

THG, so its kinda like you either have grace or you have none lol. THere is no little bit of grace. So I am not organic...which is fine, its still gonna be better than most that commercial crap in terms of chemicals and the like.

I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with not being organic. I run chemical nutes with hydro. What I am trying to say is that organic nutes are not going to be beneficial if you are also feeding chemical nutes. I wanted you to be aware that Avid, Forbid, and Floramite were not organic.

Whether you can have a little bit of grace is a debatable subject--I believe that people can. You cannot however be a little bit pregnant.
The Hemp Goddess said:
I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with not being organic. I run chemical nutes with hydro. What I am trying to say is that organic nutes are not going to be beneficial if you are also feeding chemical nutes. I wanted you to be aware that Avid, Forbid, and Floramite were not organic.

Whether you can have a little bit of grace is a debatable subject--I believe that people can. You cannot however be a little bit pregnant.

Lol, thank you for your is always welcome!
funny how the "organic" and inorganic is stated....its all from organic compounds, even "chem" fees because it is all carbon based.

anyway you can run whats "called" semi organic w chem ferts and still have plenty of "microbial" herd.

its all what you give them and what you experience through time, not pages on a site or in a book.

play with your recipies and look at "chem" ferts as "food that is instantly avail" instead of "food" that has to get broken be assimilated.

using chem ferts is the exact same elements the plants usues in "organics" its just instantly avail and does the job right then and there, instead of watching paint dry....

dont soak up to much internet...or you will be stuck on one site like all the other sheep. ;)
TOA, thanks for your advice. I recently grabbed some PH up/down.

Flowering plant PH is at 6.6.

The one with probs in veg is now at 7.0

I am trying to bring it down slowly. Next water I will try to hit 6.5-6.8.

Thanks again for all the info guys and gals!:icon_smile:
opened the tent today and had a lady bug fly into that good luck?

How the hell did a lady bug get into my house..then into my tent! Insane!

I found 2 ladys before lights out...I let them be

Anyone interested...the new A7X album is awesome. Goes old school!
Ladybugs are good! But they piss on buds too :p

Drop the ph down, it's ok if it swings some. If the runoff is seven shoot for 6.0 next time.
trillions of atoms said:
Ladybugs are good! But they piss on buds too :p

Drop the ph down, it's ok if it swings some. If the runoff is seven shoot for 6.0 next time.

What, not an A7X fan? LOL wrong forum! Thanks for your input on this journal.

Just weird how the lady bugs just appeared out of thin air.

This is indoor...not a tent outdoors.
You could have brought the ladybud in from outdoors and not even known it. I love ladybugs!

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