The Hemp Goddess said:Good luck with the mites. Though I have serious doubts that the Safer's is going to take care of your mite problem. If you are wanting to stay organic, you might want to pick up some SNS 209.
How did you check the soil pH? If you used one of those inexpensive probe things you stick in the soil, they are not to be trusted. I can't remember....Are you organic?
budz4me said:Will look into SNS 209 for sure.
this is the PH meter I am using....hxxp://
And I try to be as organic as possible. Rain water, compost, espoma products, etc. I do question FF's line as being true organic...but I am unsure. That would be the only thing that I think is not 100% organic.
Its very strange because the plant that is in flower and doing very well is the same soil and nute I wonder if the unknown bag seed genetics may be a factor here?
budz4me said:So far no signs of them at all. Lets hope for good mojo on that front. I will be getting either avid or SNS for the future.
THG, so its kinda like you either have grace or you have none lol. THere is no little bit of grace. So I am not organic...which is fine, its still gonna be better than most that commercial crap in terms of chemicals and the like.
The Hemp Goddess said:I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with not being organic. I run chemical nutes with hydro. What I am trying to say is that organic nutes are not going to be beneficial if you are also feeding chemical nutes. I wanted you to be aware that Avid, Forbid, and Floramite were not organic.
Whether you can have a little bit of grace is a debatable subject--I believe that people can. You cannot however be a little bit pregnant.
trillions of atoms said:Ladybugs are good! But they piss on buds too
Drop the ph down, it's ok if it swings some. If the runoff is seven shoot for 6.0 next time.