First Atempt, Need Some Help.

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Passionate Grower
Apr 24, 2008
Reaction score
So i have 6 plants all with 3 or 4 leaves. I place them under sunlight in the day and at night i put them in a box (wrapped foil, ventilated, lighting, ...) what i need to know is, how much light i need for 6 plants. I'm using 2 standard 100w BULBS which get very hot. What am i doing wrong? Any sudgestions?


the amount of lights are determined by the size of your room and the "lumens" a lite puts out. If you think your going to continue to grow I would read up on eveything here. There aree many beginner posts and such. I wouldn't use regular lite bulbs as the light from these do not favor mj growing. You can start economically with cfl's, but for quality growth HPS lites are hard to beat. Start with several 23 watt cfl's, like 5 of them. then you can judge your heat and how it lights up your room. Hope this helps some.
so your plants are starting out outdoor? aren't you worried that you might shock the plant when you convert it to indoor? You can't mess up and keep changing the light schedule from outdoor to indoor. You don't want hermi's now do you?
The #1 problem with this grow is the 2 incadescent bulbs you are using... they are not good for growing anything... let alone MJ
^^^ yes u need to get a couple flourescents at least bud- thats the first thing u neeed to do.

then once u get those setup jump back on here, smoke a joint, and do some power reading!

Definitely get rid of the lights you have now. Get some compact florescents. That will work until you move them outside. I would get them outdoors as soon as possible though. Get on google and see when the first and last frost dates are for your area and get those babies out in nature as soon as possible. They will grow much better under the sun.

Also, make sure to read as much as you can. This site is packed full of information that will get you on the right track. If you have any questions, this site also boasts a large number of very knowledgeable members that are more than happy to help you out in any way possible. I hope to see you around the forums sometime soon. Keep us posted. Take care and be safe.

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