FINALLY PREPARED!!my first grow...

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Gary Ganja

Learning to Cultivate
Sep 3, 2007
Reaction score
man i cant post pics for some reason!!!but stay tuned becuz i eight plants.6 in my grow box,germinated,the whole nine.then the step children which are just out in the open in my other room.i put two seeds apiece in that pot,two different kinds of weed(dontknow why,just curious)stay tuned!!!
ok here is um pics...
IMAGE_080.jpgtwo rubbermaid tubs,will be placed on top of each other
IMAGE_081.jpgflat white paint,i primered the tubs first...
IMAGE_082.jpgscotts potting soil,feeds for four month
9 dollar light fixtures
a fan outside the intake pipe blowing air in,i have an exhaust pipe near the top as well,air comes out.its kinda like active intake/passive exhaust lol
light fixture mounted inside the top portion of the tub,of course the lights face downward.tied up by tie wraps
walaa!!my make shift growbox!!!
there were pics i couldnt post for sum reason about the way i wired em up and everything,my seeds with the root poppin out,but if there is anyone who was doing this type of growbpx,feel free to ask me for using the 18hrs light and 6 hrs dark light cylce.basically when its lights out for me,it is for them...if u guys see anything wrong with wat im doing please,all input is appreciated...
just watered them.gave em a lil bit,not too much.for the first night,in the grow box its 79 degrees,45 percent humidity.i dont know wat the step children r doing in the other room...its room temp.natural light in there..this ends day 1!
i was just curious what size bulbs you were could always bump them up to 42 watters if you want to up your yield or speed up vegging a bit....
o yeah?im using the "recommended" 23 watt bulbs..if i use 42 wat,that would increase my yield?wat is the down side to upping the wattage.say imma post that in lights lol thanx
23 watt CFL BULBS? (say they putt off as much light as a 100w and use 23w of energy)

BTW there is no downside to using more light... the more the better. I'm not sure if it makes that much of a difference in your yield. The bulbs you and I bought are just the normal for people who don't really care too much about having a big harvest. I just want to grow some man.

You don't have to take my word for it though, I'm not a real big expert on it yet.
this is my first grow..imma wait and see b4 i up the wattage...
This will be my first as well, im still waiting on the seeds. A friend of mine is germinating like 50 seeds... he doesn't know what kind they are... says they might be KB. Who cares... free seeds are free seeds. I got bored of waiting so I popped a seed I found in some of my weed and put a 23w(works like 100w) light on it. My little experiment...
42 watters will help increase your yield by providing more usable light in your space....or in other words more lumens per square foot....the only real dowside would be heat would build up a bit more....with a proper air exchange system it'd be easily controllable....
day 3 and i got sprouts from both the ones in my growbox and the step children...both steps are sprouting and only 2 of the 6 in the grow box are sprouting.will post pics later
hey man u are looking good ... i hope everything goes well with the grow ... just watch out for the scotts soil ive heard its not the best soil to grow in but im no expert
Nice grow box you got there, good luck with your plants

Here's hoping for all fems.

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