FED GOV...... bill to legalize

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Jun 2, 2011
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Lawmakers to introduce bill to legalize marijuana

By Luis Robayo | AFP – Wed, 22 Jun, 2011

A group of US representatives plan to introduce legislation that will legalize marijuana and allow states to legislate its use, pro-marijuana groups said Wednesday.
The legislation would limit the federal government's role in marijuana enforcement to cross-border or inter-state smuggling, and allow people to legally grow, use or sell marijuana in states where it is legal.
The bill, which is expected to be introduced on Thursday by Republican Representative Ron Paul and Democratic Representative Barney Frank, would be the first ever legislation designed to end the federal ban on marijuana.
Sixteen of the 50 states as well as the District of Columbia have legalized the use of marijuana for medical purposes.
But planting, selling or commercially distributing marijuana remains illegal under federal law.
Last year, California citizens voted not to legalize recreational marijuana use, although the debate continues in about half a dozen other states.
Three weeks ago a group of ex-presidents of Latin America as well as former United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan denounced the failure of the global war on drugs and called for urgent changes, including the legalization of cannabis.
Between 1998 and 2008, worldwide consumption of opiates increased 35 percent, with cocaine use growing 27 percent and marijuana use growing 8.5 percent, according to the Global Commission on Drug Policy.
June marks the 40th anniversary of the "War on Drugs" launched by President Richard Nixon in 1970, the first major US anti-drug initiative.
That would be great news for all ppl around the world :aok:
Just after the announcement that there are permits available to specific corporations and the gearing up from Scotts corp and other corps.
Legalization=growing permits via lobbying by big corps and liquor style control boards.
We will get it but nothing what we hoped for. Growers will still be SOL.
Still no mention of the most important factor of MJ which isn't med or recreational use...commercial hemp is a valuable crop we as America NEED.
Mutt said:
Just after the announcement that there are permits available to specific corporations and the gearing up from Scotts corp and other corps.
Legalization=growing permits via lobbying by big corps and liquor style control boards.
We will get it but nothing what we hoped for. Growers will still be SOL.
Still no mention of the most important factor of MJ which isn't med or recreational use...commercial hemp is a valuable crop we as America NEED.

The best we can hope for is....... little enforcement....... and small penalties....... legalization would most likely require inspection perments, tax stamps, plant counts, needs testing, and such to grow....... saying is so true....... be careful what you wish for....... it will never be as easy as putting a few plants out around your swimming pool.
Mutt said:
Just after the announcement that there are permits available to specific corporations and the gearing up from Scotts corp and other corps.
Legalization=growing permits via lobbying by big corps and liquor style control boards.
We will get it but nothing what we hoped for. Growers will still be SOL.
Still no mention of the most important factor of MJ which isn't med or recreational use...commercial hemp is a valuable crop we as America NEED.

I have actually been surprised that some of the larger corporations have not been on the legalization bandwagon--specifically cigarette manufacturers (who lose customers every year) and pharmaceutical and/or liquor companies.

But I agree with Mutt and Grower 13--I doubt that legalization is going to do anything for us small growers.
It's all bad. We will lose control and Big Pharma will take over.
It will be a crime to grow on your own...believe that. All Bad.
There will be nothing we can do. Big Pharma will take over and squeeze us all out. You will have to be happy with the Ounce of herb that they will allow you to possess. If that is MJ being "legal", I wanna be an outlaw.
you know they would try and control the THC content of your buds........ I am afraid some may get upset when I say this........ we are about as free as we gonna get to grow our own buds........ we can order just about any seed from any strain we desire with a creditcard no doubt...... when the govt is in control of the use and regulates it...... then you have to consider each state may have very different ideas on control......... I'm not sure we will be as free as we are now to grow.
NorCalHal, THG, Mutt...
I think all of you missed the most important part of the story, "allow people to legally grow, use or sell marijuana in states where it is legal."
The bill says it would make it legal for people to GROW. That is the key. We want to be allowed to grow in our own homes. If that part passes and states allow it, big pharma can sell but we can also still grow. They will not "take over". That is exactly what I want.

SensiStarFan said:
NorCalHal, THG, Mutt...
I think all of you missed the most important part of the story, "allow people to legally grow, use or sell marijuana in states where it is legal."
The bill says it would make it legal for people to GROW. That is the key. We want to be allowed to grow in our own homes. If that part passes and states allow it, big pharma can sell but we can also still grow. They will not "take over". That is exactly what I want.


This bill will be amended. modified, and constructed in a way the best suits the feds. It has to pass through a lot of obstacles until it becomes law.
Just saying...don't hold your breathe.
NorCalHal said:
It will be a crime to grow on your own...believe that. All Bad.
There will be nothing we can do. Big Pharma will take over and squeeze us all out. You will have to be happy with the Ounce of herb that they will allow you to possess. If that is MJ being "legal", I wanna be an outlaw.

Why look for the bad? ^ Many don't want it legal cause they are selling and don't want any competition whether it's the government or anybody else. This personal benefit for the few hurt the last bill to make it legal in Cali IMHFO. Nobody in the rest of the country cares why it was voted down or even discuss anything about it except for the fact it got voted down, that neg hurt the MJ movement and by no means did it help... except again for personal interests in North Cali. I can't blame them for being selfish cause it's in thier backyard but as a nation it hurt MJ

No I don't believe it will be a crime to grow your own, ya you might be squeezed out... but who are also making money while breaking federal law by growing now and who knows even the percentage of Northern Cali growers that are abiding by Cali law.

Why do you have to put limitations on nothing you know about? I can have 2.5 ounces now but you are being negative by saying I have to be happy with an ounce. Not going to happen. Why not get some facts before you try to push people in your direction which always seems to be self serving for the Northern Cal folks, it's getting old to hear whinning and negativity all the time cause it's going to hurt your selfish interests. I'm thinking of the whole country, not just my backyard.

Baby steps, let's get it legal and then fix the particulars, we are not going to get our way right out of the gate. At least we would have a starting place and free up courts etc etc etc for just dam possesion charges and start to turn this war on drugs around... a battle at a time.

What you don't see is that a step forward, even with all the red tape it will be better for the masses, maybe not the Emerald Triangle folks but the rest of us will be happy.
Look at alcohol. You can brew your own beer, make your own wine without being taxed. It will be the same. If you're going to sell it yes you will have to compete with the big boys but this country has been that way for a long time.
i don't get it.

"big pharmas gonna have control"
"the feds will never let us grow"
"it'll be ammended"

..so let's just give up? :lama: :headbang:
let's see where this leads before writing it off as horrible.
i swear every change that comes about sounds horrible to card holders. (and i guess from a card holders view it probably is negative to them, even if it could be good for everyone else as a whole)

NCH and mutt, i respect you both.. but i totally stand against you here.

now first let me say, i don't want to see big pharma or corporations controlling it. they're two of my biggest nememsis'
*but i know whenever it happens, they're gonna try their damndest to. no matter what/where/when. so that's a mute point IMO

but most wont be any more of an outlaw if this passes than they are now, so i'm all for it.
besides, if uncle sam changes his stance.. even if the changes aren't perfect, it opens the door for my country to actually create some good laws in regards to MJ.

sorry if that's a little selfish, but i find a lot of med growers similarly selfish in regards to current marijuana laws (in not wanting them to change)
So everyones gonna argue and get their panties in a knot about this until it gets voted down, and then you will have all wasted your time and efforts.

Keep doing what your doing and be prepared for it to stay that way for awhile. jmo
dman1234 said:
So everyones gonna argue and get their panties in a knot about this until it gets voted down, and then you will have all wasted your time and efforts.

Keep doing what your doing and be prepared for it to stay that way for awhile. jmo


yeah unfortunately that about sums it up :(
A republican controlled house is never going to pass a bill legalizing marijuana at the federal level. It just will not happen. There are simply too many Bachmanns and Santorums out there who like to dictate what people can or cannot do.
plethoraofmoose said:
A republican controlled house is never going to pass a bill legalizing marijuana at the federal level. It just will not happen. There are simply too many Bachmanns and Santorums out there who like to dictate what people can or cannot do.

republicans dont control the house buddy. They control the senate. And in case you missed it the bill is being introduced by a republican and a democrat

SensiStarFan said:
republicans dont control the house buddy. They control the senate. And in case you missed it the bill is being introduced by a republican and a democrat



Is it time for this thread to implode over the political overtones like all the others? Lol

In before the lock....:D
LEGALIZE SMEGALIZE, I'll b doing what I always do...And as far as med card holders, lets open it up for the rest of us who aren't afraid to say, "I smoke because I like to get stoned when I want." Instead of copping out. Short of Wasting, Chronic Pains, glaucoma, epilepsy, there's no reason for ppl to drop the "medical necessity" card. You're not fooling anyone!

Peace and Buds,

7greeneyes :p

p.s. This is from someone who's severely handicapped w/ chronic pain from years of orthopedic surgeries, by the by....
Mutt said:
This bill will be amended. modified, and constructed in a way the best suits the feds. It has to pass through a lot of obstacles until it becomes law.
Just saying...don't hold your breathe.

Someone told me that you had to be smart and vote in a law that works....now who was that????

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