Favorite CBD Brands

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It is if we make it a thing. Kinda like Climate Change. 😂 😂 😂
I got my wife some gummies from Colorado Breeder’s Depot in hopes to help her sleep better. She wasn’t super impressed.

not all CBD are the same,so don't just try one and give up.
the FDA doesn't over see CBD yet.
they have done tests and found 60-70% of hemp CBD didn't have correct amount that it says on label.
read reviews.
also, some ailments CBD works when active,others takes days to weeks to see results.
for my pain it takes 5 days.

i don't know much about sleep and CBD,but it's not a sleep aid like you would buy at a drug store.
it takes time for it to work.

i wouldn't do gummies.
tincture of 1000 mg or less.
each ailment needs a certain amount and persons weight has to be calculated in it.
you don't want to take more then you need.

start small and increase it weekly.
not all CBD are the same,so don't just try one and give up.
the FDA doesn't over see CBD yet.
they have done tests and found 60-70% of hemp CBD didn't have correct amount that it says on label.
read reviews.
also, some ailments CBD works when active,others takes days to weeks to see results.
for my pain it takes 5 days.

i don't know much about sleep and CBD,but it's not a sleep aid like you would buy at a drug store.
it takes time for it to work.

i wouldn't do gummies.
tincture of 1000 mg or less.
each ailment needs a certain amount and persons weight has to be calculated in it.
you don't want to take more then you need.

start small and increase it weekly.
@zodiac An avatar for you as well
It is all sized up to install if you like it.


i would not have guessed this,in july marijuana is legal in maryland.😳
try CBN.they market it as a sleep aid.
i don't use it,with the THC use,i need something to stay awake.😉
keep in mind of THC content.

ego's suck.
i would love to strangle people,but i might come off wrong.
maybe it's just me.

software resizes.
I've tried different CBDs wasn't impressed with any of them to be honest. I just decarboxylate some good Indica and eat it with peanut butter on a cracker. Works for me.
I've tried different CBDs wasn't impressed with any of them to be honest. I just decarboxylate some good Indica and eat it with peanut butter on a cracker. Works for me.
so,basically...THC on a cracker? 🥴

CBD doesn't work for everything or everyone.
half my torso is in pain.
i don't do drugs.
when released ,i did so much THC that i got CHS in a month or two.
now,CBD works on dull pain.,does noting on sharp pain.

THCA may help for pain for anyone reading this.
My 1st CBD strain was just gifted to me.. RS11. I've never smoked or eaten anything CBD so hoping
for some good results for muscle pain and wife's carpal tunnel in both hands.
RS11 report.jpg
RS11 clone from GMO.jpg

I just topped her at every budsite. I'm attempting to keep her short and bushy as I have friends already wanting to try cuts. Thanks for the donation GMO. your a good dude as I didn't even ask for this cutting.. God Bless this plant..
i laugh at these test letters.
what good is it to know of a test from last year on a batch done today?
i will take a wiz in a bear costume if i want a warm and fuzzy feeling.
though good luck. 😊

give it a month.if a no go,try topicals.
topicals work differently.
Hey, it was a gift man.. relax. hehe

Oh guess what.. I took a photo of you in your bear suit dude... muwahahaha. too funny huh?

I've heard good things about topicals. Some even make their own Cannabutter, add coconut oil to it, (Recipes Online I'm sure) and rub it directly onto sore muscles. Hmmm? cheap enough to make.

Bears do **** in the woods.jpeg
hope it doesn't make it on porn sites.

most THC pills i take have coconut oil.
they say it goes to bloodstream faster.
for CBD,not needed unless you need it while active.

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