Father arrested after daughter turns him in for pot

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Jun 21, 2007
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Two teens apparently fed up with their father's marijuana smoking called police Monday to hand over his bag of weed.

The children, a 15-year-old boy and 13-year-old girl, were visiting their father who had partial custodial rights, said Cottonwood Heights Police Sgt. Scott Peck. The children had reportedly noticed in the past that their father's residence always "smelled funny," he said.

The girl, apparently fed up with her father's smoking and drinking, called police to turn him in, Peck said. When officers arrived, the girl found her dad's bag of pot and took it out to officers, he said.

While the young girl was standing outside her father's residence talking to police, her dad texted her to come back into the house, apparently not realizing police were present, Peck said. The officers had the girl text her dad back and tell him to come outside.

When the 44-year-old father came out, he was arrested for investigation of drug possession and child endangerment.

The great war on drugs brainwashing at its finest.
ozzydiodude said:
The great war on drugs brainwashing at its finest.

I'll bet my stash the mother had a huge roll in this by influencing her kids. Probably for full custody or something.
I dought that think about it. With him in jail, he can't work so no child support from him.

I believe he can beat it in court. The "girl" handed it (mj) to the police outside the residence. And said it was "her fathers". Where the proof of possession? How hard is it for a 15yr old it buy mj?
No brainwashing here I dont believe.

"The girl, apparently fed up with her father's smoking and drinking,"
Thats the key for me right there. Sounds like a drunked up, deadbeat, pot abusing parent to me.
Kids wanted their dad, sounds like all dad wanted to do was get messed up.
I gotta side with the kids. There is no excuse for anything interfering with a persons parenting duties.

Dont be upset at what happened. Be upset at that deadbeat for helping give the rest of us responsible users a bad rep.
remember, they quoted the cop saying that NOT the girl. I know first hand how warped and twisted the media is. Who is to say it was hers and he found it in the middle of an argument and she said it was his.
Always 2-sides. She said "it always smelled funny" apparently he never used it around the kids.
Maybe he is a responsible parent with a 15yr old that is mad daddy left mommy.
A lot of holes in this story.
Not saying your thoery isn't correct either spearchucker. but they never produce both sides...media only ever gives one.
My dad was different, he called the police when I stole his pot... kidding, it was like groceries, we always shared :)
When I was 16 I came home and my mom had my 10 grams in her hand, she was mad and told me she took it to the police and they wanna talk to me, I paniced and took off, i was telling one of my friends and he was laughing his butt off, he said do you really think the police would let her keep it.

good point i said, and then I went home and found where she hid it and took it back, LOL

A pointless story but this thread reminded me of it.

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