There was something obviously rank about his posts. You could smell it from a mile out. Most folk would have been content to just say "fine! You grow yours, I'll grow mine and we'll call it a wash."
The fact that he was so motivated to keep on like he did suggests only two things. Either he is a salesman or a complete wacko, in a sense that would have made MGF proud.
But what do we know? We are nothing but a bunch of stoners. Wary, paranoid, frugal, market savvy and habitual researchers are we... And, appearently, uneducated, hippocritical bigots who like nothing more than to turn our noses at good dope why we wallow in our shwag heavy harvests.
Spelled out plainly, these claims are all false! And I don't gotta spend a dime to know it. Why? Because some seed bank that not many people know about has a research facility that is so safistacated it is literally light years ahead of any research done by ANYBODY so far, and no one has ever heard of it. Because THC is THC no matter where it comes from and differences in duration/quality/effect is determined by it's interactions with a little synergist called CBD's. Science has no idea which ones these are, exactly. But BCSeeds Does. As sure as they have travelled the world and beat EVERYBODY to the very best genetics every single time. Oh, and they don't advertise and prefer their customers don't post about them in forums

They are under the impression that 'word of mouth' will suffice. I guess what they failed to realize is that after ten years their one and only cutsomer is just now getting the word to us this week! But then how could they survive for 10+ years? Well, for one is there any proof that they have existed for that long? And two, how many man hours and dedicated resources does it take to keep a false front scam running? They claim that any complaints about them (which are numerous) has been confused with the poor business practices of a seed bank with virtually the same name? (I assume they mean BCBuDepot?? Which does indeed have some bad, bad rep. And the likeness to us uneducated folks is just uncanny) I'm sorry, but this is really wierd. I mean, change your damn name?? They won't advertise and they advise customers to NOT post about them in forums. How does this work again? So instead of protecting their very limited cutomer base by offering up some wide sweeping warnings, they would rather people continue to make this insane and terrible mistake while they brush it off as YOUR OWN ******* FAULT??? What the hell???
Look, Ima put it to you like this... If this was indeed legit, then why hasn't the likes of Swerve, Raskal, OBS, our very own Subcool and whole handful of other modern, premier breeders been all over this? And how come we don't know the names of their obvioulsy superior breeders? And why has this crazy killer green NOT showed up at places like Harborside that does their own in house testing? I'll tell you why. For the same reason you would have to be a complete knucklehead to send these folks your hard earned money.
STAY AWAY!!! And do not rely on something like a grow journal to sway what your inner stoner was telling you to be truth all along.