Ah Shucks. Thanks for noticing... (Do I sound like Eeyore? He's my fav).
Melissa, BB, 4U and Timmy... thanks for the very kind words. Banjo Buzz, Trinity County... Crazy Vancouver... Thanks for always being on my side!!!
It has been a struggle. Especially through all the trauma of me moving, hiding out, boyfriend threatening me, stealing all my buds... Then moving back here... always being nervous that he will cause problems... :cop:
My gosh... things are going to be OK. I just want to be cool and mellow. He moved down to Southern California so I hope he'll stay there and leaves me alone. After all, he can afford it! Not funny really, but I always like to look at the bright side. Hoping that darn money will last him so he won't come back until I find a new secret place and rent this house out. I found a little Hobbit/Fairy looking house in the woods... Site of an old 1800s settlement town... Friendly ghosts I hope...

Oh my gosh, it was love at first site. Field for my horse, garden spots, very secluded, pond WITH GOLD FISH... rent cheap.... The angels are watching out for me. So if it works out I'll be moving and renting this place to someone 'cool.' Anyway, I'd better get to work. LOVE you guys! My blind cat always knows where I am and where my keyboard is!!! It's very hard to type... he's so spoiled... or she... hmmm... I'm not looking... he/she adopted me a year and a half ago. love this cat... he's the smartest 'person' I know!!! His name is 'Doggie' because he follows me like a dog... Sometimes he jumps on the counter and misses and hits the cupboard instead... It's good for a laugh in the morning and I give him a hug and he tries again... Ahhh. Gotta love old animals... I feel like my cat sometimes... :rofl: I've been missing that jump, but I'll keep trying.

eace: Ette